3 Things About Your Career You May Not Be Aware Of

Duh, Boundaries Between Career + Life ARE Blurred! You think?!?

In the new awakening that some are calling The Great Reshuffling, is it a surprise where we’ve landed? A recent report reads like a futuristic novella we read four years ago! LinkedIn published a Global Talent Trends 2022 report, and it reminded me of 3 critical areas in 2018 that I outlined would be game-changers for having a well-blended life. Let’s connect the dots and see where you are with improving your resiliency in these times of enormous change.

  1. Become non-negotiable on The Blended Self.

One of the significant grumblings I’m reading in research and studies on work culture resiliency focuses on worker frustrations of not being able to bring your whole self to work.

It’s time for you to embrace the whole human who has been doing work and life simultaneously for quite some time. As I have led you on embracing your Blended Self, be the lead in having this conversation. Get your executive and project team to think about transformative ways to work with, support, and engage the whole human. It’s now a hard negotiating point with many Millennials and Gen Zers. They want to be their authentic selves and have a culture where it’s safe to be who they are.

What forward-thinking Blended Self care package are you discussing at work? Here are some tips:

  • Encourage Stillness Time and mindfulness to promote wellbeing and help manage deadlines, frustration when learning new skills, and impatience with multi-generational teams. (Spirit/Heart)

  • Work with yourself and your team on procrastination and passive-aggressive behaviors that don’t promote a positive culture. Those actions slow down collaboration and negatively impact confidence and self-esteem. Ultimately, it will stifle your career progression. (Emotions/Soul)

  • Use affirmations and prayer to break obsessive thought patterns and lower stress on challenging tasks. A positive perspective increases your gratitude. (Spirit/Heart)

  • Whether working remotely or in person - - Be flexible. The evolution of human development is moving toward a growth mindset path that rewards performance outcomes, not presenteeism. (Physical/Body)

I loved what a VP of People and Culture in the Healthcare industry recently stated, “As a society, if we begin to shape our practices around how we treat people, how our work environments are structured, the Great Reshuffle will end.”

Do you bring your whole self to work? List three examples using The Blended Self Model of heart, body, and soul.

2. Your Core Values must be monitored.

I remember hosting two group coaching sessions on Becoming a Worldclass Team Builder and How to Master Career Ambition. Both pieces of training begin with inquiries on knowing your core values. This discovery should bring you closer to finding your purpose and passion. Here’s my question, Is The Great Reshuffling occurring because people realized their core values didn't align at the place their ambition took them?

What knowledge, cultural values, or personal experiences have you noticed shifting your career or business? Has it affected the resiliency of your purpose and passion?

It’s not uncommon for you to be in a place of evolution where you must deconstruct your work to get back in alignment with your core values.

Here are some tips for core value resilience and identifying the profound impact career evolution is presently having on your life:

  • Revisit your core values. Recent trauma-like events and awakenings could be maturing your core values, which are the primary way you connect to your work and purpose.

  • Identify your “purpose gap.” Are you relying on work for purpose or purpose for work? Know your “Why.” Use your fulfillment to champion how core value alignment can gain the trust and respect of your team.

3. Transformation sets you up for a process-oriented career.

Transformation means renewal. I’ve had many critics frown on my continual references to transformation. Hearing, "It makes people feel like they aren’t good enough." I believe it gives people process opportunities to discover how good they are! I’m still enjoying a process-oriented career, and my transformation journey is overflowing with grace. As I’ve continually transformed, I know that I AM good enough. It’s called Resilience, transformation-haters…

Do you believe your career is process-oriented? How has transformation moved you through your career journey process? How has it given you more opportunities to develop your approach and behavior in the workplace to achieve fulfillment, balance, and process change?

Here are some tips to keep you transforming and living your BEST Life:

  • Be holistic. What word or sentence describes where you are right now in your transformative journey? What is the meaningful, connected pattern you see threaded in your career?

  • Embrace this career process opportunity, and remember you do not have to go on this journey alone. From chaos, you can uncover opportunity. Bravely observe where you are, and identify what skills need to be improved. Remember, innovation is not a single event. It’s a drawn-out process involving the transformation of your career. And that’s okay.

  • Learn how to lead through transformation. How can you enhance culture rather than see it erode? Should you rethink resiliency and let go of any process that’s not embracing multi-generational inclusivity. How vital is tacit learning in your career development process?.

Connecting the dots is evolving and quickly becoming the new skill set to maintain a resilient career. You have an opportunity to do great work and live your BEST life. Using a process-oriented lens to understand the work culture better will be essential in this era of promise. What is your purposeful vision statement that expresses your core values, what is your company’s, AND do they align? Don’t give up on The Blended Self-model. Be willing to change the messaging within your culture. Get others talking about your resilience.

I believe in YOU!

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© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com

Eugenie Encalarde