EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Wear Your Strength

Today, I feel my mind being opened. A beautiful gush of healing oil is filling every gap that held negative thinking or a wrong concept of my identity.

I will wear the strength given. I am growing hardy, and my ability to withstand change is becoming stronger. The force behind this change is almost overwhelming because it’s the weight of wealth being transferred into my life.

I see the fruit of hope, love, faith, kindness, peace and goodness flourishing. The substance of who I am is being revealed so wisdom can become established in every area of my life.

God says, I am a chameleon and the change may seem daunting while the change is occurring, but I will see the strength of patience begin to flourish. I will begin to understand why I need to wait before taking a step for this goal, or that change process, or this project vision.

I will see the strength I am wearing more clearly day by day, and then I will see the great light that is has being mixed with the healing oil.

I am renewed, and my mind is changing. I am being made all new. Living my Best Life in strength Today!

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