A Season of Separating + Dividing

I’ve been meditating in my Stillness Time on the transformative internal process of separating and dividing.

Are you familiar with being sifted? Sifting occurs when your abilities and talents are being refined in order to help you uncover what’s in you. Experiences can present challenges that test your growth. 

I talked about sifting many years ago, and realized it might be helpful to re-explore it’s meaning and the process. When you feel crushed by circumstances, don’t lose confidence. The separating and dividing removes negative thinking or wrong beliefs that can make you second guess your identity. 

The era of Transformation will bring grace to areas in your personal behavior where you graciously desire victory. Thank God for the divine insight to understand the miraculous opportunities for transformation that appear out of the sifting process.

Individually and collaboratively, you are unfolding. Oh yes, this process of change is moving you in a certain direction… toward a particular outcome. Are you confidently aware that you are going in the highest quality direction? Take time this season to achieve better work, to engage in better relationships, and pursue better skills. God is praying for your best success. I believe you will develop strength and remarkably transform as you move through any grief, loss or other unresolved heartbreak. Evolve!

As you begin take another step and walk into your destiny, something very significant will happen. 

Some may initially think they hear “revolution.” But I believe a simple pivot in your Stillness time will bring a different sound. Rebellion isn’t the way. The more humble struggle is in your evolution. You can learn how to accept your uniqueness with a supportive circle. Stop refusing to hear where transformation must happen in your life + work. Come through your sifting process and use it to strengthen others. You will learn how to endure in ways far more than you could’ve imagined!

Don’t resist the changes occurring within you, even around you. Let those relationships that have been frustrating your destiny move away. Let the sifting occur. Shake, shake, shake.

You are evolving into a person that’s beginning to understand how to wear your strength. Becoming established in this new garment is a major part of the lessons you’ll share with others needing practical wisdom and inspiration. Evolution is inspiring!

Sifting takes patience, love, and forgiveness. Love yourself and let others Evolve. It’s an agile, evolutionary process. Life’s curves can become normative if you let them. I’ve heard it said, “You can make choices, but you can’t choose the consequences.”

Separate and be Still, my lovely. 

How will you separate from any hidden rebellion, yet evolve to distinctively display your transformation? Will you use your super-normative abilities? 

Let’s take this journey together.

I believe in you! 

Eugenie Encalarde