Shared Purpose

I’d like to share the importance of undertaking committed relationships with others. I’m reflecting on my current work + personal ties as I review my 10-year work + life plan. Here are some valuable insider tips that will guide your next stepping stones:

1.     Focus on where you’re extending your bonds and committed relationships. Realize every person you are tied to presently will determine your destiny. Are they worth where you are designed to go? Are your desires and designs rightly aligned?

2.     There are times we get caught up in selfish luxuries or dramatic up and down connections that take our eyes off the shared relationships we’re supposed to be involved with. What is the higher quality discipline you need to rightly aligned with? What higher quality core values do you carry that will keep you aligned with the right shared relationships? Explore areas of discipline that need to be strengthened. Use your quality core values for motivation.

3.     A shared purpose will require you to share in someone’s triumph and adversity. It will give rise to praying with them during their professional night seasons. I ask myself, “Why am I in relationship with this person?” Is it for a season or a lifetime? I’m not being selfish when I ask this question. Rather I’m being responsible and loving. Reflect on this: Your relationships are monumental. They should cause you to be a faithful coach or mentor. You want to understand who will receive the value of your time and gifts/skills. Who are you supposed to be serving with precious humility that will require you to sacrifice a part of myself?

4.     Detach from failure squatters. Commit to shared relationships that take part in lifelong learning. Support each other’s brand + stay honest when the other is slacking. Can you identify a work + life season where you were sowing instead of reaping? Pledge to keep a discerning eye when the season’s change so both of you can stay in sync with preparing for seasonal transitions?

5.     Look at the people you are connected to and journal what you imagine both of you will be sharing in 5, 10 years? Have the strength to let go of (or begin to let go of) relationships that will not bring you closer to the new self you are nurturing.

Today innovate cleansing in your work + personal life. Ensure the relationships you’re presently bound to will not become an anchor that keeps you from having your prosperous destiny.

This is how you transform your life. Living Life sharing your purpose Today!

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Eugenie Encalarde