
I started enjoying and taking Shabbat about a year ago. I realized I had been doing it in some form but began to realize the inner freedom I was receiving every time I chose to celebrate it. 

Sometimes we think discipline is when something is taken away from us. But reframing discipline can show you the benefit of when you make a choice to receive something. You will discover the intention behind the discipline. 

Discipline can give you peace, rest and joy in an area you’ve been struggling or laboring with. Looking at one of the definitions of Shabbat, I learned that it’s a “festive day when Jews exercise their freedom from the regular labors of everyday life.” My awe moment! That’s the intention I had in mind when I began to incorporate Stillness and Stillness Sundays in my 5-Step transformation coaching model.  It’s also defined as “the seventh day when God rested from creating the world” and it’s “considered a day of peace and holiness.”  God does have a sense of humor. I’m laughing because I realize I’ve been running toward Shabbat most of my life! Finally, it’s a discipline I freely choose. My choice has caused my life to be continually transformed into the most peaceful experience imaginable.

Discipline is what we need. Unfortunately some of us have been pushed into the extreme babel-like structure of discipline through others or possibly from our own extreme mindsets. This legalistic ridiculousness may have caused us to miss the beauty of discipline. Extreme discipline causes a tumultuous life; the opposite of peace. 

Discipline has two forms. One creates a peaceful order and the other creates chaos. A chaotic life, ruled by legalistic thoughts or people, is a cloaked life. The atmosphere swirling is trying to hide the spirit of mischievous selfishness. It produces a dark restlessness in you that disturbs your journey of stillness, peace and holiness. It negates what you truly desire. Yes, wrong + extreme forms of discipline can get you mentally and spiritually messed up. It’s what I call “a form of holiness or discipline with no power to transform your life.” 

It’s time to create your peaceful place. It is the divine replacement for chaos. A creative + peaceful life = a transformed life. Remember, God was “creating” when he decided + chose to rest. He put a disciplined order to the creative process and decided to permeate the atmosphere with such peace that it would go on and on to transcend our understanding. It’s time for you to begin to know that kind of stillness and peace.

Reflect on the benefits of stillness. Don’t choose to say, “Oh, I just can’t do it. I try but I get distracted...” on and on. Don’t let the hill of distractions build a mountain of restlessness. It’s your choice. Let the disciplined design of stillness give you order that will catapult your creativity. Creativity needs a restful space that no human or activity can provide. The discipline of no activity is beneficial in removing the stumbling blocks of stagnation, wrong thinking, foggy ideas, weak game plans and goals, destructive voices and much more.

When I chose to be Still years ago, others saw the change in my life before I did. Now I see the fruit of this discipline. My form of stillness and rest is a spiritual one borne out of my choice for Christian discipleship. It’s the Spirit I run to for peace and holiness. It’s the discipline I need to remove the dark restlessness from overthinking and tormenting thoughts that were never my true identity.

Allow the discipline of your Stillness Sunday to bring you the peaceful order you desire. Reflect today on your journey to create the best life you were destined to create. I declare chaos is being removed from your life one still, restful + holy moment at a time. Your new perspective of discipline will bring you the overwhelming peace you deserve. Embrace your season of creativity. 

Living Life in His image and likeness Today!

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com.

Eugenie Encalarde