Seeing Without Fear
“Your fear has kept you from enjoying life, but now you will see! “
The words were crystal clear. I heard them as I sat in one of my favorite study nooks sipping coffee. Allowing my imagination to push toward the purity and innocence I knew God had always intended for my life, I felt an unusual sense of joy come over me.
Why joy?
When I started to write down ALL the areas of my life that were stolen or diminished, I got excited because I knew those very areas would be given back to me in abundance.
It's your turn to name whatever personal, professional, and spiritual things have been stuck, blocked, or diminished in your life.
It's your turn to continue on that thread of freedom…
“What if it all worked out? What if you received what God meant for you to have? What if you could effortlessly, by faith, walk out your purpose?
As I sat smiling and imagined the questions being asked directly to my heart, it was as if a great door opened and unlocked right before my eyes.
Imagine accomplishing all the goals you quietly believed were far from reach. Think about those long-desired goals you've been seeing as tarnished somehow because of something you did or didn’t do.
“There is a cleansing power coming into your life.”
In my recent Stillness Time, I imagined I was an eagle sitting in a large, comfortable nest with a clear view. Looking around, I could see broadly, and out of the corner of my right eye, there were snow-capped mountains and bright sunshine.
Isaiah 55:10: “As the snow and rain that fall from heaven do not return until they have accomplished their purpose, soaking the earth and causing it to sprout with new life, providing seed to sow and bread to eat.”
“You will sense a mighty downpour and a refreshing snowfall this season.”
The prophetic word from the Lord for the new year is to “believe that he sees you, and now you will see him. You’ll see him, and you won’t be afraid.”
You will now understand what His Spirit is telling you, and it will no longer seem so complicated. You will hear and know his voice.
“The keys to your doors of opportunity will fall right at your feet.”
It's time to believe that “God wants you to be happy as much as you yearn to be satisfied.”
You see, it's payback time.
“You have purposeful work to accomplish, and these next three years will be significant.”
Watch God’s ability to perform radiantly even in your life's most barren places. Places that you thought had stopped growing. His grace will cause the desires He’s put in your heart to abound.
He sees you.
You will receive what’s at your threshold for the new year.
The trauma you've endured from the crumpled baggage you carried in past seasons is on its way out. Wrong mindsets will be replaced with a luxury brand called Higher Standard.
I get it. Fear is debilitating, even generational. But you must see that fear comes from little and weak faith.
But what if it all worked out because you decided to have prevailing faith?
What if you received what God meant for you because you decided to see without fear?
“Precious blessings are at your door this season.”
Get ready! Here’s a list of what is being released into your life.
2025 Words: Let the Transformation Begin!
🌟 Peace & Joy
- Through anxiety and worry (Philippians 4:6-7) and focusing on circumstances that initiated out of fear rather than God's promises, you kept rolling unresolved conflict and unforgiveness in your mind and heart. You left yourself constantly exposed and open to negative influences by neglecting Stillness time in God's presence. It wore you down and made you double-minded. You doubted you would ever see those big and joyful dreams manifest.
🦅But you are here now, LOOK around and SEE that peace and joy are within reach.
Unlock these gifts by:
- Replacing negative thoughts with truth
- Meditating on God's character
🌟Innocence & Glory
- Through compromise with worldly values, you entertained thoughts contrary to God's word. And even when you grabbed a nugget here or there, repeated exposure to unholy influences and hateful, deceitful words from others caused you to get distracted by manipulation, lust, and control tactics, and like a raft out to sea, you discovered that you had neglected to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23).
🦅But you are here now, WATCH renewed innocence and glory encircle your atmosphere.
Unlock these gifts by:
- Committing yourself to separate from ungodly and low-standard associations
🌟Godly Wisdom & Prophetic Accuracy
Through pride and self-reliance, you fooled yourself into thinking you had this. Self-help took over the Holy Spirit’s help, and neglecting scripture study and Stillness time didn't seem like a big deal anymore. Before you knew it, you were rushing through decisions without seeking God. The small, still voice and whisper you had cultivated in your quiet time had turned to dead silence.
🦅But you are here now, OBSERVE wisdom and clarity as it shines brightly on your path. You will now understand that in his light, you see the light.
Unlock these gifts by:
- Discerning wise counsel and clinging to those who pray with and for you.
- Choose words that give life and crush words that offer spiritual compromise and unbridled ambition.
🌟Boldness & Confidence
- You started believing lies about your identity through past failures and disappointments. You stopped moving that thought further by asking, “What would happen then?” and challenging that limiting belief. You compared yourself with others, slipping into jealousy and resentment, even coveting others' talents and strengths instead of realizing your uniqueness. You forgot that focusing on weaknesses or lesser strengths will never give you the confidence to move forward. So, you got stuck in your own repeated self-rejection and criticism.
🦅But you are here now, GAZE upon your transformation with boldness and confidence. You will overcome and breakthrough through the blind spots and years-long fortress of fear.
Unlock these gifts by:
- Practicing acceptance and self-love.
- Realizing God looks at you through his eyes of love, his forgiving eyes of mercy and compassion (Psalm 25:6-7). Those are the only eyes that matter!
🌟Health & Prosperity
Through neglect of physical stewardship, you made poor financial decisions. You miscalculated reason and engaged in a faulty rationalization process because the wiser alternative for discipline and boundary-setting meant you had to wait for God to provide.
🦅But you are here now, BEHOLD a new season of health and prosperity that will become the colorful multipliers of an abundant destiny.
Unlock these gifts by:
- Acknowledging biblical principles of stewarding resources
- Renewing your mind and lifestyle choices
Remember: RESTORATION is both an event and a process. While God can restore us instantly, He often leads us through a process of rebuilding that strengthens our foundation and ensures lasting change. Each step requires faith, keen discernment, and practical action.
"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten..." (Joel 2:25)
See your transformation without fear!
🌟Daily Declaration for Restoration
"Lord, I thank You for being my Restorer. I choose today to observe and walk in Your ways, to seek Your face, and to trust Your process—no more spiritual blindness. I will see. I believe You are restoring everything lost and establishing something even better than before. I receive and perceive Your peace, joy, innocence, glory, wisdom, accurate insight, boldness, confidence, health, and prosperity for this new year. In Jesus' name, Amen."