EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Stillness Time Everyday: Experience A Greater Dimension

I’m frequently asked how I know, recognize, and reverence God and his Spirit in the life I’m leading and the work I do.

Learning the practice of Stillness has taken years of developing the patience to experience the goodness of God’s presence.

Those transformers who embrace what I share using these highlights will move forward in their personal, professional, and spiritual spheres and receive manifold blessings, skill, and godly wisdom to handle the burdens they carry ~ knowingly and unknowingly.

Stillness Time has become less of a routine for me. It’s more of a life jacket for clarity and peace, gaining insight on how to make the skillful and godly wise decisions unfolding at every turn.

Talking about the Blended Self in the workplace was taboo several years earlier. People came to work, living fragmented lives and lies, telling one another that their actions weren’t personal but strictly business. The physical portion was out of alignment with the emotional and spiritual parts, leaving them feeling out of sorts, entering meetings and gatherings and longing for more. 

Now after the pandemic, The Blended Self is being unveiled at every turn, industry, and gathering. If you’ve done your homework ~ you’ll have strong discernment to understand the social, emotional, spiritual, and physical work that must be done to heal you and others.

Hybrid and remote lifestyles have left us needing to belong and feel valued. Disconnected feeling types converge with overwhelmed, overthinking types, and here we are - needing a moment.

Having suffered from a wilderness season of horrific nightmares, which I learned later was from suppressed trauma and carrying limiting beliefs, I was compelled to seek God. It was time for me to break out of negative cycles and get healed from the soul (emotional) wounds, fragmented relationships, and feeling victimized.

Have you or those you have relationships with ever needed to overcome doubt and improve confidence?

You or others can choose to carry limiting beliefs or off-load them during a time of quiet and comfort.

Knowing now what I do about bringing all of yourself to work and its’ effect on your well-being ~ I practice Stillness every day.

During my challenging season, day by day, month by month, I allowed myself to become open to the heart of God. In what started as fifteen minutes a day, I refused to deal with my brain and physical cravings during these personal sessions. I resisted negative thoughts from work, + other life topics. It was hard work, but I fully understand the power of choice ten years later.

I quickly realized it was in my hands to seek Total Transformation for my heart, soul and brain. My renewal began with Stillness Time.

Directing a pure flow of thoughts and imagination takes practice, and my co-active calling is to help you become comfortable with this type of letting go and serenity.

We discussed how it can be a bit foreign to “get beyond your brain.”  But for all of us over-thinkers, I’m training you to move away from that behavior -  during this precious time - and let yourself go up higher.

Allowing your spirit to sync up with the presence of God every day gives you a rhythm and pattern, moving into wholeness and restoration.

I’ve been reading scripture that’s on repeat in my heart, “I move from strength to strength.”

Are you moving from strength to strength?

The discipline and practice of stillness is spiritual strength training. You do it until you get your unique rhythm of quiet.

Stillness time trains you to recognize the disruptions and stop to use your power of choice.

How do you want to respond today?

Will your response express the values you believe in?

Yes, spiritual maturity is real. And spiritual strength is needed.

Stillness Time teaches you how to listen with self-compassion. This art builds your resilience capacity.

How can you test your resilience strength?

I had a recent opportunity to test my resilience. Last month, I had a roaring uptick in disruptions. “Unusual” sounds too neat and tidy, so let’s stick with roaring. 🫣

Get the picture?

Work-Life-Mental… ugh!🫠

My sudden and intimate rumblings were crying out [roaring out] for a dynamic planning opportunity. The following weeks were chock full of new changes that pushed me to shift my strategic plans.

Honestly, the roar absolutely threw me off balance!

I became more aware of how my interests rushed to the front of the line trying to position itself ahead of my values. Daily Stillness Time put those roaring voices in their proper place.

When the morning hour breaks and your work list populates, how can you hold on to spiritual rest while properly releasing the mental energy that’s accumulated due to life and work?

When relationship obligations create a deluge and peep into your digital and personal space, what inward sounds are you hearing?

Making room for spiritual healing opens your heart to peace and comfort.

Stillness Time teaches you how to grab the thoughts and innovate cleansing from the twisted thought patterns that have built a fortress around your mind.

Here’s the thing. God wants us to have orderly thinking and make life-overflowing strategic plans. It’s his desire. But I believe there’s a higher way to live. Tap into Stillness before the day’s human plans take flight. The moment you stand up for will give you a knowing where you can clearly hear and recognize “ This is the way; walk in it.”

Of course, just like me, you have the power of choice.

Choosing patience, goodness, hope, faith, and humility over the latest anxious tantrum is your choice.

See it.

Accept it.

Forgive the negativity you’ve clung to, and let it go.

Pivot, and use the powerful DIG IN process that I know pleases God.

  • Dedicate time to Stillness.

  • Innovate the cleansing.

  • Grab the wrong thoughts.

  • Ignite Transformation and move forward again.

  • Nurture your NEW SELF.

Remaining overly comfortable with the cares and concerns of every little bitty life circumstance can steadily cause you to lose clarity.

Stillness time gives you clear discernment to see the cares you’ve been carrying and a selah moment to separate them with orderly thinking.

See the cares you are reacting to that must be dealt with.

Drop the ones that are fragmenting and distracting you. Distractions are your little foxes - the cares that involve anxieties about the future, uncertainties about the economies, and behavioral dynamics you’re struggling with in life and work relationships.

The cares you’ve become overly comfortable with and confident carrying the weight of.

Stillness brings hope into the picture. Stillness brings your shine into the picture.

It’s time to learn the value of silence. If you commit to pushing away from devices and distracting sounds and take the time to learn how to internally still your spirit, heart, and mind, you’ll be grateful at how much easier you can be still and content in the midst of external noise.

This post is your reminder to let go and let God move you from strength to strength.

Experience a Greater Dimension + Receive the Benefits of Stillness Time:

  1. You will uncover how Listening and Patience work together.

  2. You will break free from Thoughts that are Enslaving You.

  3. You will Overcome and conquer Emotional, Physical or Spiritual Pain.

  4. You will become more aware of others who want to Overcome Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Pain.

  5. You will empower your Blended Self to get in alignment and experience a fuller life.

  6. You will find it easier to work on the demi-god syndrome that plagues all of us.

  7. You will Increase your Awareness of grace and gratitude.

  8. You will Slow down long enough to regain proper perspective.

  9. You will see your missteps in an atmosphere blanketed with compassion.

  10. You will find Restoration from learning how to enter God’s Healing place.

  11. You’ll value divine alignment in relationships and seek only the ones that align with your purpose.

  12. Your listening skills will increase.

  13. Your creativity and ideation activities will improve because right brain function increases which is the creative center of your brain.

  14. Your imagination will go through a cleansing process, as the negative and anxious thoughts gradually subside.

  15. You will become more resilient and better able to handle adversity.

  16. You will reclaim your power of choice and take ownership for the decisions you make and the distractions you allow.

  17. You will become more grounded and simultaneously connected to God’s presence ~ and your transformational shine becomes noticeable!

  18. The parasympathetic “fight or flight” system will begin to take a backseat to your more calming sympathetic one.

  19. Your Stillness Time will graduate from a routine moment to a relationship moment.

  20. You’ll learn how to lead others from a higher place, which will change the atmosphere everywhere your foot treads.

Believing is transforming!

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© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com