How to Gather Your Daily Portion for the Future

What is a day’s portion?

I’m so used to planning and preparing for future events. It’s really daunting to unwind and only plan for a day. It makes me feel vulnerable to allow a single day to unfold without my preparative meddling and tendencies for tinkering.

When my life came to a standstill about nine years ago because the anxieties I carried caused nightmares and fractured my day, it showed me how much I had stepped ahead of God and missed his timing in many situations.

That’s how religion works. You begin by embracing a plan, and then the plan supersedes the master’s plan. And there…. the relationship is out of step with its original intention.

Today things are different. After a decade of building an immersive relationship with God, I now understand the meaning of a day’s portion.

The awe-moment of a daily miracle.

Ahhh, the miracle of life.

The celebration of life’s footsteps, pauses, and stumbles.

Each day you’ve been purposed to give away a portion of who you are, how you’ve become that person, what you’re becoming, and what you’re stepping into through the uniqueness of how you express your personality.

I believe the personal dynamic of your spirit encompasses your belief in who Christ says you are. It’s the highs (and vulnerable moments) of how and when the Holy Spirit unpacks your gifts to others. The physical aspect of your personality is about your mind and how you interpret his image and likeness in your thoughts and interactions. The personality dynamic of your emotions and soul includes motivations, desires, affections, memory, and imagination ~ the sum of your will and convictions.

It’s a lot!

What a dynamic, and powerful portion you are!

If you were to imagine a measuring cup, could you believe how much your portion overflows every day?

It even includes your day’s portion of love, forgiveness, humor, kindness, quiet support, prayer, mentoring support, and compassion.

When I think of how vital it is to gather well and that my gathering will help accumulate how my future comes into being ~ I am awestruck!

Are you watching over your day? What is overflowing?

Listen to the whisper, “Gather to give, not withhold.”

Every good gift comes from the heavenlies, and when your unique gifts are unpacked and placed in the world (a workplace or focused gathering), know that the daily portion will be tested.

The diverse tests I experience are not to make my life more difficult. I see them as a series of valuable exercises to reflect on whether I’m gathering well and receiving (hearing) my instructions correctly from God.

You have the power of choice to believe that every [beneficial] good and perfect gift is [and begins with an outpouring] from above…

How are daily gatherings tested?

A day contains its own war of wills or reluctance. I make it a point to check in before apportioning what I’ve been given to distribute. If my words and actions are an authentic manifestation of his likeness and image, then it’s easier to follow his will. But even that’s easier stated than done!

The daily workflow begins with sitting in Stillness to become aligned before the slices are divvied out. Looking up and seeing light unfolding on my path, my portion is aligned and ordained, tipping over ready to dispense for the day. What I gather in those early moments determine my path and focus.

Understanding how quickly the days become weeks and those weeks turn into months ~ I am resigned to purposeful living, receiving an abundance of everything he has allocated especially for me. I don’t get bogged down comparing my portion to others.

Do you base your portion on someone else?


Comparing portions is a divine no-no.

Trust and rely on God and believe you’ll have exactly what you need for the day. And when it’s time to selah and reflect - and you do so - he’ll give you twice as much as what you prepared to present daily. I see that promise as having more than enough when we take the time to be still and listen.

He’s giving you heavenly opportunities every day. In your daily work, keep your hope and heart on receiving what he has for you. You will pass the tests that try your heart, mind, and soul. Commune with your own heart in quietude and be silent, reflecting on the things you’re sorry was said in your heart. In a peaceful place, allow his compassion to change your countenance. Believing he has the answers to those trials and frustrations is the biggest test you’ll ever pass, or get an incomplete. His goal is for you never to fail ~ so offering retakes over and over again is his signature style.

How do you gather your daily portion for your future?

  • Include his wisdom in your daily portion. he sees the whole picture and knows the part you need to flourish.

  • Celebrate your spiritual, emotional, and physical progress and share your portion with others.

  • Appreciate the measure you’ve been given, but don’t withhold your goodness while it is in your hands to give.

  • Be at peace with the micro and macro situations because that’s how we learn how to walk circumspectly and live our portion out more fully.

  • Exude confidence in your identity… each day’s portion will highlight a presentation of your destiny moving you toward your future. Saturate in the greatness of his power, which will move you away from one-time confirmations and closer to a glorious restoration and reflection of who you really are!

  • Stillness isn’t idleness. It’s where you see your portion, learn how to gather, and receive instructions on how to feed others.

Measure your daily portion by how well you use it to live your best life in the overflow!

Believing is transforming!

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Eugenie Encalarde