EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Why You Need to Sit Under a Birch Tree

So I’ve been having a flow of revelation since I asked God for more wisdom and understanding with all the tasks he’s given my hand to do.

My question to you is this: Have you found it’s becoming harder to manage your work and life without feeling out of sorts?

I believe all of our lives have accelerated and taken a big leap, whether or not you’re saying it out loud or claiming it’s real and not imagined.

I want you to know it’s time to sit under a birch tree!

I know, what a crazy message to give, right?..

Maybe not so much🤔

Right now, you are receiving grace, an abundance of favor that has miraculously arrived under your birch tree.

Because you have increased your discipline to draw nearer and sit in God’s presence, the unique question you’ve asked him is now being answered. It’s a fresh perspective, so at first, you might have questioned the answer or even done a double-take with the new approach he’s given you.

Along with this new approach, take the abundant grace and favor surrounding you. Step into the new door right in front of you and sit under your birch tree.

What area of your life and work needs this door of hope?

A couple of months ago, I was trying to get out of a series of bad outcomes that resulted from a lack of guidance or protection. The problem weighed me down, and I felt very bad about my missteps. Then very recently, I woke up with the answer! Literally, I sat up and received the answer.

At first, it seemed too easy. So I research it and brought the results back to God in prayer. Then he gave me a step-by-step strategy to implement the solution. I did it, and a huge weight was lifted.

Now, if I had used this strategy two months earlier, it would have been completely wrong and possibly devastating. But as I used my Stillness Time to enter in and sit quietly, he spoke two sentences that opened new provisions and brought a dead situation to life.

The Lord said, “Get ready to turn for a new approach. The birch tree will give you shade.”

Imagine my expression. Yes, my head shifted to the right as I allowed my mind to submit to the new thought and image of the tree.

Trust that he is speaking to you because he is!

Align with him during your quietude, and receive the impartation of wisdom and understanding that you have been praying about.

The recent struggle and out-of-sorts feeling you’ve been having, moving from anxiety to peace are about to transition. You’re about to have a growth spurt. The struggle was there to alert you and keep you moving forward above the noise, the distractions, and the soulish emotions wanting you to feel more comfortable than expansion.

Resist your human desire to quickly get up from Stillness time and pause. Selah.

Release the regret from past mistakes and endless rumination that’s been keeping you up at night. Sit under your birch tree and know that the answer you’ve been searching for will begin to surface ~ the rebirth and new beginning you need to overcome.

Regret holds you in a bubble and numbs you to the acceleration of time that is passing you by, tying up your destiny and purpose. That oppressive bubble has now popped, and you will begin to see much clearer than you have in the past couple of months! In fact, this month will become a notable time of clarity because you are moving into the change and the turning that’s required.

The turn is bringing you higher, where you will experience more joy in situations that you need to handle and overcome. You will sense a rising above those recent complications you were dealing with. Expect to uncover the truest solutions that will provide the guidance and protection of the Holy Spirit.

In the days and weeks ahead, you will know clearly when to sing a little louder, pray a little harder, and then sit a little longer until He gives you the next step and next set of instructions for the right direction.

You will settle some lies this month that you believed while focusing on the regrets. You will see where you were settling for low-performing situations in your life and at work. Acknowledge them, forgive yourself, and place a checkmark that’s it “over, done with and gone” because, in the words of Elton John, you’re now going to “Walk in power every day and never let the Light slip away.”

Get ready because you are now receiving a new beginning and fresh approach to how you will come to see and know things.

I decree God’s wall of fire will be around you during this new season, and his radiant presence will be within you! Like a blanket, wisdom from above is covering the situation you’ve been wrestling with.

The time is now to turn to a new approach. Sit under your birch tree, and it will give you shade. Let the fullness of this message soak into your psyche.

Like I mentioned concerning my situation ~ I believe you, too, will KNOW what to do next, what to push through no matter what you were previously seeing about your situation. Look again. Your mindset is changing, and you will see the solution to your challenge from a macro level. Then you will develop the right strategic plan to address the micro-level.

Consider this new beginning your new growth mindset resulting from your spiritual turn. You will fully recover when your spirit comes back to God through stillness.

And you’ll never forget ~ it all started when you decided to sit under the birch tree.

Believing is transforming!

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