Welcome to the Total Transformation Tribe,
you're in!
I'm so honored to have you join this amazing group of people who are all focused on Total Transformation, growing and learning the mindset + skillset framework they must implement to make sure their transformation is a successful one.
OK, let's dig in and complete your checklist to CONFIRM YOUR REGISTRATION BELOW.
1. Decide how you will purchase the course. You can make a one-time payment of $750 USD or make 4 payments of $187.50 USD. Click your payment preference below.
Monday, October 11
You'll receive your first week's course through Teachable. It's free to log in and easy to begin taking the 10-week online course. Our weekly schedule will begin as follows:
Sample Course Module:
Day 1 - Lesson One: Video + downloads
Day 2 - Lesson Two: Audio + downloads
Day 3 - Lesson Three: Group Email with resources
Day 4 - Lesson Four: Live Group Coaching Call
Day 5 - Lesson Five: Live Group Stillness Time / Group Week Recap
Day 6 - Prayer Focus and Group Reflection in private group community
Day 7 - 1st Week Affirmation, Email Recap, and Overview of next week's course. Next Module unlocked same day.
Now, at this point, I'd love to invite you to jump in and complete your purchase to confirm course registration. Click purchase choice BELOW.
Yes, I will make full payment of $750 USD.
Yes, I will make 4 payments of 187.50 USD (initial payment due today; then remaining 3 payments due every two weeks.)
By agreeing to become a part of a signature beta online course and help us curate a most enjoyable high-quality life-fulfilling program, you will receive an incredible experience of learning and growth.
Your participation is contract-free so you can cancel anytime. If you don't wish to continue your transformation within the first 14 days, send us an email at ej@ejencalarde.com to discontinue the course.
Remember, this online course is focused on applying a core framework and life-changing strategies to build momentum and results... You will only get results when you commit to doing the work and fully participating in your transformation process.
This means you can implement discovery processes for yourself, but not by yourself!
Welcome, once again, to the Total Transformation Tribe and we can't wait to meet you soon!
EJ & The Total Transformation Team