“Imagine how many huge changes will take place and not ask your permission.”

You can decide to embrace the course of change and be an active part of your present and future.


What is Total Transformation?

Total Transformation happens when we decide to dedicate time for renewal. We choose to innovate a behavior or thought that’s keeping us from experiencing a fulfilling and peaceful life.

Until that moment, whether personally or professionally, life is screaming for us to pause & pivot. The call for guided solutions speaks loudest when we’re frustrated and unhappy. We want to take the next step but are not sure how…


Meet Your Teacher

Hi, I’m EJ! I’m a certified coach & facilitator, large-scale project management professional for high-performing teams, university lecturer, and the author of Transformation: Open Your Door to Self-Discovery.

I’ve spent my life researching and using experiential and evidence-based strategies to resolve gaps in mindset, emotional, and spiritual alignment. My role as leader, observer, solutionist, and coach walks you through why, what, and how transformation breaks overwhelm and why, what, and how work-life stressors are present.

My mission is to offer transferable skills to articulate your goals, values, and purpose for life and work. I help you navigate the transformative steps needed to succeed and thrive.


Is The Total Transformation Course right for me?

The Total Transformation Course is designed to help you experience the ultimate power of choice with a practical toolkit to achieve your BEST life, whether in life or at work. This timeless series of lessons has everything you need to confidently create the never average, only extraordinary, changes from the internal coping strategies and mindfulness tools to the external evidence and new habit skillsets.

Because, let’s be honest…the term average makes us feel awkward, claustrophobic, and unsettled. We’re curious for more and want to identify what’s holding us back from being the BEST version of ourselves.


Stop Spinning Your Wheels

What internal change will make tomorrow better? Stop feeling like you’re continually doing life from scratch, and it’s just another “Groundhog Day.” Reimagine life or work with a solid renewal plan and framework that helps you experience internal/external change and raise eyebrows.

Ask Yourself the Right Questions

Asking slightly different questions, taking small moments to pivot along the way, will get you better answers. The years fly by, and you want to create journey milestones that will help you carve a significantly best 6-month or 3-year future path.

Elevate Your Mind

There are times you could use a helping hand to get rolling when getting started is the hardest part. Elevate your mindset with step-by-step weekly workbooks, videos and conversations to get you unstuck. Get the precise direction you need to eliminate stress and frustrating self-talk.


What You’ll Learn - The Total Transformation Curriculum

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