your awe moment.

Exceptional projects require wisdom, discerning the times + exceptional creativity. Only then will you have a project with soul.
— EJ Encalarde, Senior Producer * project manager * org consultant

Team Building + project MASTERMIND courses

Photo by mattjeacock/iStock / Getty Images

Become A World-Class Team Builder

Intro to Team Dynamics. Do you want your team to become World-Class Team Builders? I will coach you to establish strategic clarity for your company. I offer certified facilitation skills to help you:

  • Establish Company + Team objectives quarterly, annually, and seasonally to impact and drive company success.

  • Identify your most important objectives + goals, including stretch goals.

  • Ensure you have team priorities that connect to company results.

  • Determine how you will measure strategy and success with the right tools to give you evidence of goal completion.

  • Shape your meeting or retreat agenda with a blend of top-down and bottoms up thinking + planning.

  • Help your team leaders own + manage an objective, explain the grading system + effectively communicate the adjustments their unit will accomplish for the next review.

  • Thoughtfully abandon an objective that’s clearly not going to happen as originally planned and create a new project vision!


How to Plan & Execute Unforgettable Experiences

Masterclass 100.    Success secrets, yummy. Why do so many people fail at turnkey projects? Let me count the ways!  Better yet, let me spill the beans about the pitfalls and what your stakeholders can’t tell you. If you’re working on an intimate exclusive affair or a spectacular small-scale project, I’ll share my best rules for being a BOSS PRODUCER.  Small classes only. 


Master Attention to Detail with Skill-building Secrets

Masterclass 200.   What’s needed for a skills-based transformation? Although a project is a temporary endeavor, there are many details that will get you successfully to your ultimate big-picture goal. This is an excellent team-building class to learn all about attention to detail. In this intense class (yes, it’s intense!) I will show you how to create a project masterpiece. I will coach you using my on-the-ground production experience sharing the hard knocks and successes. I will help you understand the whys to the details. Seatbelt on, let’s do this!


Guide to Creative Thinking Techniques & Design Practices

Masterclass 300. Place and project as creative practice. Undertaking a project, whether large or small, requires a strategy. What’s yours? Are you planning your A-team or soaring solo on this one? We’ll discuss strategy smarts and what it takes to be smart enough to spot a dumb move and know how to correct it. Let’s get a successful outline mapped out -- one with possibly some bumps in the road but without a dead-end. A vision must be written out plainly so (yes) even you (wink-wink) can delegate like a Pro! Deliver your plan with excellence today!

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Project Performance X-Y-Z

Masterclass 400.  Here we deal with the life cycle of your project. I listen, coach, listen, evaluate, listen, test, and ultimately inspire you to cross your project finish line. I will even visit you while you’re performing your project. And yes, you will be graded and evaluated. This class is being offered at a ridiculous introductory price because I want you to learn that the “performance grade is in the listening experience.” Check!

Projects give me the opportunity to wear lots of hats and a nice pair of shoes. I just love a new pair of shoes!
— EJ Encalarde