EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Day 20

Still yourself. Listen to the keys being played. The instrumental tone is allowing an open space for you to ponder + empty. Oh, listen to it. Release the checklists and grab the notes that usher you to a less complicated space. As the words pop up like trumpet sounds, I present them at your feet awaiting the next dance move.

Leap away from the heaviness, and refuse to let the negative sound speak to your place of quiet. The tracing of its root is being tangoed + untangled from your spirit. As you patiently hear the sounds rising and lowering, your stillness is keeping the wrong notes from lingering. Dwell in the hush from the divine melody of mercy. This overshadowing harmonious presence occurs in the stillness.

Decree you will abide in him and his love will sing over you today. 1 John 4:16 We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love, and we trust in the love he has for us. God is love! Those who are living in love are living in God, and God lives through them.