Day 19

I will meet today anticipating the truth of joy. I will believe and trust the joy rushing into my morning. I’m turning to experience this unique moment in my quiet place. Sitting and immersing in the fullness of joy that resides in Your presence.

Smile and snicker a bit confidently knowing that He is faithful to let the sunburst rise up within + through you when meeting him in this secret place. The brightness of His smile begins to radiate all around you and covers your atmosphere, brooding like a well endowed umbrella giving gifts. It oozes and you can’t contain your response to his yes today. He is gentle and true. Believe You will see him soon again. Because you will! Let the joy run over and abundantly overflow as you sit there gaining insight on this momentous conversation today. You’ll whisper, “ Joy to my world for you have come.”

Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

Eugenie Encalarde