EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Day 16

I sit here waiting for you. The atmosphere smells like fresh dew, and I see the fall leaves surrounding my comfortable place where I will sit quietly waiting for you, longing for you. This time is different.

I know you are coming to sit with me. I expect your presence. I believe in your touch. I am not doubtful. This new feeling is refreshing. A single day in this moment is better than a thousand anywhere else. I sit listening for your whisper, although I know the sound will thunder through my body like a rudder through many waters. You speak and I am totally transformed.

Your daily steps require the peace from his voice. At this very moment sit totally still, patiently waiting for his entrance into your day. Let this time begin with wonder and excitement. Can you hear a crackling of leaves as the wind begins to move them in place like a red carpet? You are ready to experience Stillness Time.

Psalm 84: 1-2 God of Heaven’s Armies, you find so much beauty in your people! They’re like lovely sanctuaries of your presence.Deep within me are these lovesick longings, desires and daydreams of living in union with you. When I’m near you, my heart and my sou will sing a worship with my joyful songs of you, my true source and spring of life!