EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Day 10

I am skipping in my Stillness Time with my mind’s eye dreaming dreams and accepting visions of a a greener, more flourishing future. I see the landscape as I’m lifted to a broad place of peace and prosperity.

The stillness time has a beat and rhythm that’s causing me to twirl in new ideas, stirring up creative thoughts I had pushed down. But now the vibration of joy in this quiet time is shaking the ideas loose and they’re like music notes running across the landscape of my life’s destiny.

The fullness of joy in His presence is hitting a high note and the light in your eyes is a reflection of the brightness your future holds. Stillness flows in your feet, moving along your legs, tingling in your arms and hands, and bursting in your heart. The internal melody of God’s heartbeat bounces bright ideas throughout this moment. You’re starting today on a good note.

In stillness, rejoice. Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!