EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Day 5

I have this urge to clean, and wipe down kitchen counters before I go into Stillness Time. Like settling the kids down before bedtime, do you ever feel like there’s a need to tidy up before allowing yourself to rest?

Christ said we could never perform enough rituals to be received by him. It’s only by his grace and redemptive power to heal us that we are able to rest in Him.

When you sit, finally, and release your superficial feelings of accomplishment, let go of the false feeling and rituals of truly getting tidied up. Let Him invoke the cleansing images of peace and stabilize your spirit.

You will begin to smile, trusting his promise to always meet me when you are faithful to come.

Awaken from your sleep and ask him to give you a moment to open your eyes and truly be present. You must forget everything so you don’t miss anything. This time is your partnering moment. See yourself walking into your life’s work, not resisting the moment to see as he sees. The creative work being done in this quiet time is almost too unbelievable. Shall you believe?

Run and decide to believe in technicolor. Decide to believe in 3D. Decide to believe without tidying the steps to get there. Don’t resist his images or words. Just believe. Don’t stifle the refreshing wind. In your stillness time, be undone, untidy and grateful. Leave this special cleansing moment activate you to do the more meaningful work and do His will. Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.