3 Ways to Take Your Confidence To The Next Level
I see the words, “Actively pursue.” In the midst of this chaotic moment, how can I see those words so clearly? It’s because of the confidence I’m choosing to take to the next level for my future. Don’t be misled; I’m enduring very real struggles just like many of you. Whether grinding it out from home or getting back to a more traditional work atmosphere, I know you’re enduring crazy trials + disappointments. BUT guess what? We’ve all learned a lot! I believe you are speaking to life situations with more empathy than you could’ve imagined - personally + professionally. This time, last year, you probably had a different perspective. Your confidence possibly came from a different framework. Now having denied many familiar comforts – by choice or not - here you are, coming to terms with a new meaning of confidence.
Why is confidence important? I recently read a Psychology Today article that mentioned, “The catalyst to bring the function of confidence to life is the realization that your actions influence your results.” Are your actions influencing the results you desire?
Confidence is a wonderful feeling; but you can take it to the next level – of becoming a life-changing feeling - when you learn the freedom principles needed to accomplish the work you’ve been designed to create. Confidence is a belief that you can accomplish that task or create that vision. It’s a strong assurance that you are able to succeed in a certain area of your professional or personal life.
Other people can be greatly affected by your confidence. If you display it without trying to dominate someone, your confidence will significantly motivate others. What are you creating right now that’s giving you confidence? What’s holding you back from the next step of confidence you need to impact others? The radiant hope you communicate, first to yourself, then to others whether Zooming in at public speaking forums or during private encouragement circles, will help build trust + remove stumbling blocks.
Just before COVID-19 began to rage in the US, confidence levels regarding the personal lives of Americans were at an all-time high. Even 90% of Americans were confident their educational + leisurely life was moving upward. But as our workplace culture has taken a massive shift, a recent Gallup Poll shows a significant drop in employer/employee engagement due to strained communication. We are experiencing a less confident workplace, which could be hindering our belief in accomplishing individual dreams or collective goals? It’s tough to communicate how life will be brighter tomorrow, but I have confidence it will.
“It’s tough to communicate how life will be brighter tomorrow, but I have confidence it will. ”
What stops people from being confident? The answer is trust. Trust highly impacts one’s feelings of confidence. Whether personal or professional, emotional or societal: when trust is broken or damaged, faith struggles to attach itself to the human spirit + psyche. Let’s look at the average employer in the present work climate. No matter how extensively employers want to communicate assurance that their workplace is safe; they really can’t. Trying to keep up with the physical + spatial logistics for safety can make you dizzy. Employees’ emotions are being ravaged by stress + anxiety. Four months ago life was at least perceived manageable. The rapid reskilling + upskilling have wearied a confident workforce.
As a leader, you must continue to confidently communicate with your colleagues + team that steady growth will return to the workplace. Your confidence shouldn’t be based on judging you have all the answers. You know you don’t. Base your confidence in the courage you’ve developed as a leader. It’s time for you to visualize a positive outcome. Rely on your blended self. The blended self uses their resource as a valued friend, high-performing team player, committed spouse + spiritually resilient builder to confidently speak during this anxious time.
As a confident business owner, you must give your clients assurance that a re-visited perspective can still deliver a fulfilled goal filled with great opportunities for meaningful transformation. They are using your professional services, whether in retail, IT, or marketing because they trust you can accomplish the task given. They believe you will deliver the resources they need.
Every confident word or action you display will resolve strained communication that’s begun to surface in your workplace. You can confidently help your team maneuver through today’s difficulties by staying creatively productive, relearning techniques, amidst the new #WFH landscape. It’s vital that you truly acknowledge where we’re standing but more critical to confidently tackle the needs of strained relationships being affected by real-life adversity. Where’s the human factor renaissance once touted as the next step we needed to take for more meaningful work experience. I guess your time has come… Humanity is waiting for you.
How can you actively pursue confidence? How will you help others practice a confident life during emotional, financial, physical + societal pressure?
1. Build quiet confidence.
Confidence is a sense of inward peace. It starts with your stillness time.
Every morning when my eyes open, I reach for stillness music that allows my mind to stay quiet. I slowly get up with instrumental music that awakens my spirit. Then I make my way to the coffee pot + continue quietly listening to the music. Back to my bed or favorite chair, I take out my journal + sit until I am convinced. What am I being swayed toward? I’m reminding myself that my strength today won’t be found in doubt. My encouragement is resting quietly in who God created me to be.
Actively pursue the positive opportunities that can result from how you’re uniquely designed. You should have an easy to grab sheet that lists your unique character-strengths. It might seem silly but it’s not foolish to practice self-care. It’s unwise, not to….
Explore the inner argument + always end the discussion on the offensive. Confidence takes courage. It’s so much easier to give in + agree with oppressive self-talk but the fear is camouflaging your inner strength. Have the audacity to believe in who God created you to be.
Journal recent instances where you have influenced the results by either doing a task alone or collaborating with others. Jot down the amazing abilities you used to confidently accomplish that result. The professional or personal experiences you visualize will create reminders about personal achievements that will increase your confidence. Grab that thought. Use it! How can you improve on that experience? Visualize it quietly + use the convincing approach when the opportunity arises to increase your confidence.
2. Demonstrate authentic confidence.
Say it, think it + imagine it. Express it afraid. Seriously, there have been sundry examples of my doing coaching presentations or project production meetings afraid. I would contemplate twenty reasons how I could postpone or cancel it because honestly, I was afraid of doing something new. Even after I rehearsed + planned the agenda for over a month, there would always be some nagging voice trying to get me to bail on a good idea + career concept. Bravely, I would always push through, with knees knocking like Diana Ross in The Wiz. I’d decide to do it petrified. Now I produce major events expecting resistance to tease me; only to pluck up the anxiety while doing what my purposeful place in leadership was created to do. Bravery is cultivated through many versions of fear. You probably remember confronting some of those anxious moments, right? Did you decide to make the daring move to press pass the fear or did you quietly let the opportunity disappear believing your delusional actions needed more monitoring?
Try out your confident approach with a trusted friend or upbeat confidant. If you’re a detail-oriented leader, practice explaining to your team where you are, where you confidently trust you’re going and a few great scenarios of how all of you are going to get there; even if in phases... Act it out so you can get out of the details of the problem and become more confident expressing the big picture.
If you’re a decisive leader, re-write your script + act out a more grey approach. Step out of sensibility to learn how to confidently acknowledge a more open-minded approach. This action will help others feel valued, building employees’ confidence + ultimately benefiting the emotional culture at work.
You should practice consistent opportunities to display your confidence. I’ve been learning SEO strategies + putting them into action each day to help me display more confidence.
Take the creative flashes of opportunity to maintain your morale:
§ Write powerful affirmations + keep them consistently in eye-sight. Jot it on a small card or sticky note (my fav!) + rehearse it throughout the week until you can say it without reading it.
§ Start sensational self-storytelling by giving yourself a personal audience + experience each morning. Tell yourself how you achieved something you had been struggling with because of fear. Vary the days with big + small victories. Don’t forget to smile or laugh!
§ Turn growth mindset into steady routine action. No growth is too small. Taste guacamole without gagging. Wear a color that seems so different from what you normally wear. Apply for a specialty work certification because you’ve been dreaming about it long enough.
3. maintain unstoppable career confidence.
What gives you staying power for confidence? I have a few insider tips that have given me overwhelming confidence + self-esteem in my 30-yr—long career. Check out my Definitive Career Guide: Key Insights to Make You Soar.
here are a few confident career principles to get started:
§ Hold these words up close + center: You are valued. Lead confidently, believing you inspire others with your unique abilities + traits. Get into the trenches with your professional + personal tribe, knowing your confident connection will lift your teammates, friends, colleagues to the next level.
§ Dress your best, especially on the most discouraging days. That’s the day for you to encourage yourself to do a double-take!
§ You’re a leader. No matter the discouragement: This is the time to reveal the unique verbal + non-verbal cues that will show your team why you’re in leadership. Your temperament should dissuade by resistance. With the management responsibilities you have, your work requires much leadership.
§ Upgrade your professional presence with the element of surprise. How surprised are you by your actions? What about your colleagues or coworkers? Power confident moves display wonderment. It’s time to create a certain element of surprise. Go ahead - - amaze yourself!
Get my guide. I KNOW you’ll love it!
Take your confidence to the next level with forwarding determination to give a visionary outlook at a steady positive pace. Gather your team of advisors + decide how to guide your business forward. Retool ways to stay hopefully determined so you can continually grow. A strong vision shines a bright light that your coworkers, employees + clients need to see.
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© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com.