EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Take a Dip: Immerse in Mercy

Every once in a while, now more frequent these recent days as I grow in the absolute awe of God, I do a truth check on how I’m managing my emotions in this accelerated life.

A while ago, I was deeply bruised in a close relationship, and the effects of the hurt penetrated deep within my soul.  Although God’s grace kept me outwardly progressing forward, successful and with great favor, a residue of shame continued to follow me.

Shame is about struggling with who you are. It’s a covering that overshadows the radiant light you are destined to express in personal and professional relationships. As mere mortals, it’s not unusual to periodically fight wearing the faux cloak of pain. It’s really a battle of intimidation.

My struggle with hurt manifested with broken sleep, agitation, constant self-evaluation and feeling like I was in a barren, dry place spiritually.

How have you experienced a physical, mental and spiritual tussle with hurt and shame? A taunting jolt making you feel like you weren’t measuring up?

My journey eventually reached a good ending.

As you move into Stillness time, perform a truth check to help you recognize how you’re perceiving your whole self.

Every opportunity in the beginning of my day, when I take refuge in him, the glory outshines the residue. Bearing His image reassures me that I’m good enough.

Consistent Stillness Time invites the presence of God, and removes any negative residue. This Still state of being where you have the space to accurately assess will overtake any shame trying to flicker.

The spiritual mindfulness expands to the physical. I read an enlightening statement in a clinical article by Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD. She stated, “Two key areas of the brain are activated by shame: the prefrontal cortex and the posterior insula. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain associated with moral reasoning. This is where judgements about the self occur. The posterior insula is the part of the brain that engages visceral sensations in the body. This is likely related to the “pit in your stomach” feeling many people associate with shame.” This explains why Stillness Time is so vital.

STILLNESS is much needed time with God where you focus on image-bearing thoughts, words and behaviors. In that quiet place you begin to multiply thankful memories, and subdue the negative ones. Seeking power from God enables you to rule over emotions that can feel like fiery darts when left unattended.

It’s time to take a dip.

Recently I was awakened at 1:30am. I’m used to getting up to pray, read and listen to his voice. However, this unusual morning I felt a familiar aggravation in my spirit. Was I feeling the hurt rise up again?

Have you ever woke up overwhelmed and agitated? Like your peace had been sifted and shaken while you were asleep.

Emotions have a funny (not funny!) way of checking in and rising up like a fever during the night silence when your attention isn’t divided.

Don’t worry. My story gets better.

As I sat up and turned on the nightlight, I saw a wilderness place. I asked the Lord what I was seeing. He asked me to take a walk with Him.

At first, I felt a disturbing silence. Checking to make sure he was present, I became Still and worshipped Him. Worship for me is thanking him for all the good things he has done and is doing for me, including my family, and friends.

Ahh, the joy washed over me, and I became strengthened.

Then he grabbed my heart, and my soul fluttered. His Spirit began to show me where I had gotten stuck during that painful experience long ago. I got lost in the hurt and started believing I was flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging. When the truth was - the situation was flawed. The past incident caused a trigger defense responses like fight, flight, or freeze, and when the memory returned, I had that similar jolt experience.

The good news… God’s restoration initiates in Stillness and starts with a life or death question.

He gives us a choice.

I heard him ask me, “Is there space for you to make a value exchange? Would you give Me the hurt and shame and allow me to extend the gift of mercy?” He knew I was holding it tightly for fear of becoming retraumatized. But when I visualized opening my hand to extend the gift of mercy to the persons and situation I encountered, I had to let the trauma of shame go.

The power of choice lies in your hand.

Extending mercy to others allows you to take a dip in God’s mercy.

Like a lightbulb, I realized I needed to extended the gift of mercy to certain relationships and people that, like me, needed love, healing, and restoration.

I had broken free of a negative cycle. I began to step through my door of renewal with a new gift!

In Stillness today, God wants to extend mercy to you like a crown.

Wearing it daily signifies you are an image-bearer. Your choice and willingness to comfort, heal, and restore others in relationships and at work will kickstart the flow of His mercy in your life.

The mercy of God joins hands with His loving kindness. It’s fresh and available every day. Like an invigorating shower, it cleanses guilt and shame. It prepares your head for the crown you’ve been destined to wear.

Start the next season feeling lighter by becoming His light.

How can you show mercy at work and break emotional agitations that are taking away the joy of your purpose?

How can you extend mercy in your relationships and break a negative cycle that’s ultimately blocking the fullness of joy you deserve?

I gained knowledge and understanding. For some time I wasn’t allowing myself the space to see the right perspective concerning how to handle a past situation that needed to be addressed. I was judging with my natural eyes, and deciding by what my brain heard (instead of my heart).

But the image of Christ covers the needy with righteousness instead of shame. His reflection is the decision-maker for who the poor of the earth truly are.

My hurt wrongly turned inward as a global failure of self. Lingering hurt collapses your godly decision-making abilities.

I became faithful to the hurt and incorrectly allowed a feeling of shame to dwell instead of allowing the emotional pain to serve as an opportunity to choose forgiveness and mercy over judgement.

Take a dip today and draw water from the wells of salvation. Know you are blessed with His mercy. By His mercy. Saved by grace.

What important step do you need to take today to root out any desire to punish those who hurt you and replace your desire with mercy?

Without God’s mercy, we will never receive the comfort, healing and restoration needed to bring us to the next milestone our in my destiny.

Will you choose to give the gift of mercy?

Are you ready to take a dip in His mercy? You need to bathe in mercy when it seems difficult to forgive and extend mercy to yourself and others.

In this season, I hear the Lord asking you to be Still and recapture His presence so you can come full circle and be filled with an abundance of joy moving forward.

God is moving you from a wilderness journey into a journey of promise and blessings. He is doing glorious things in your relationships and at work.

Don’t fear the recent discomfort and agitation that may have awakened you. The waters of restoration are roaring and foaming, and it’s time for you to take a dip.

How can you recapture God’s presence and bathe in His mercy when you’ve encountered a situation that left you feeling ruined or devastated in some way?

How will you demonstrate your image-bearing work in the skills and talents you’ve been honing during these past couple of years?

How will you demonstrate mercy when you encounter an intimidating situation and feel hemmed in?

Lift up your voice affirming triumph because whatever your wilderness journey, it’s time to let it go and extend mercy.

I’m declaring your pain will be dismantled in Stillness. The signs of shame got my attention, and I made a choice in Stillness to exchange it for self-compassion and mercy.

Make amends. Bury old grudges. Forgive, and allow others the mercy of a do-over.

Take a dip.

Your transformations awaits in Stillness Time.