EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Your Guide to Building Resistance for Transitions

You’re entering a season of transition.

This is transformation and renewal, God’s way.

New milestones are being created in your life.

Transitions and Choices.

There are unexpected conversations, holy words, and real-life events waiting to be uncovered!

Ahh, it’s Discovery Time!

In this present transition, where you have to choose between this way or that, look at this out-of-sync bubbling as a perfectly timed, ordained work that’s needed.

It’s taking place for your relationship with him, not the team’s workflow process.

Yes, it can [and usually does] impact your team and the individuals pinging you.

This kickstart is your month’s intro to life transitions that need to take place.

I sense a rolling tide, like a wave cresting, and I’m standing with bated breath for the big splash.

How ’bout you?

You’ve asked for clarity on some specific turnings occurring in your space…

For some of us, the transition moments will feel like our first time jumping in.


Whether it’s because you chose to wait to believe the transition would happen,

or wanted to jump into the change and shift all at once,

the splash has hit you, and you must adjust.

The temperature of this transition is unstable.

But it will get your attention.

And that’s the point.

I see you standing there for a moment, wondering if you’re adequately prepared.

Are you?

Do you really understand the changes you must endure to process this transition successfully?

[In my head] I tell myself to keep moving, the wind will die down, and I’ll get my bearings. I have a conversation where my dear friend and co-worker declares, “whatever doesn’t kill me will make me stronger.”

[In my head] I tell myself, “whatever doesn’t wreck me will make my vision sharper.”

Transitions will help us “true up” how quickly we’ll step up to endure.

Joy is on your path, even while enduring. Soon enough, you’ll feel your fingers and toes and have resurgent energy to take the next step ~ embracing the change faithfully.

Splash! Let the refreshing coolness of your transition quench your thirst deep down.

Let’s DIG IN.

Your Guide to Building Resistance for Transitions

As you dedicate time to Stillness, here are some powerful producing keys to help you make the shift this month:

  1. There is a narrowing of your path. Use this transition to become laser-focused on your relationships and the essence of relationship building.

Meticulous work is being done. It requires your faith and trust in God. Total reliance on him will get you to the next phase of this defining journey.

Embrace learning how to handle the pressure you’re experiencing and trust that the compression will make your path straight and smooth for next-level success.

I was led into a recent 21-day fast. After my consecrated time with the Lord, I better understood what was shaking in my life.

Or should I say, better understood the shakings in my life? Work and life were getting a facelift, a tightening of sorts.

The narrowing process you’re experiencing will help you embrace and learn wisdom to understand your work and your role better.

Your pursuit of leading or gathering will define your truest role in the circles you’re being planted in.

Innovate cleansing.

In this month of transition, the narrowing of your path will help you with your relationships and relationship building so you can guard against letting the success of your work get in the way of loving the people you work with.

Pull the thread on success without selfishness. Whether it’s a job or a role transition, use your Stillness Time to unpack this process.

2. Get familiar with the non-negotiables in your life.

Non-negotiables are your core values and beliefs that you’re brave enough to stand by and prove why they’ve become your life-giving priorities.

You apply them to your life’s spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects.

Use your movement to grasp a life stage beginning to transition to the next. Secure healthy boundaries around those values and beliefs because they’ll help brace your stand.

This transitional season is helping you reestablish your priorities. Non-negotiables are needed because you’ll use these defining principles to powerfully navigate life’s up-and-coming most complicated decisions.

Taking time to set these rules will help you dig deeper.

Pull out a sticky note.

Begin creating this power list to ensure your life and work satisfy the solid standard of excellence you were intended to enjoy.

I remember key life moments when “the looking-glass self” strangled my list and nearly took me out of the game of life.

Grab the thought.

Once I began to transition and apply my non-negotiables list to work and friends scenarios, I saw the mental mirages that had formed.

Those mental fortresses disappear as I let my principles overtake false presumptions. I started to feel freer and stronger to make decisions based on my power list rather than the responses of others.

It’s good to allow this transition to bring the proper self-perception to the forefront.

Your non-negotiables are a type and a shadow of your leadership and growth potential.


3. Is this the year to know and recognize the voice of the person that dwells within you?

Does his Spirit have access in you to do what needs to be done for genuine Blended Self success?

Milestones will be created in your life during this transition to help you to answer this question.

Think “Transitions and choices.”

Innovate cleansing.

I’ve already had to make some pretty big choices that determine my focus. It’s been scary not to have familiar experiences to lean on as I walk forward on this new defining terrain for the glorious new thing God promised me he would do.

Oh yeah, he asked me for FULL access.

When I first heard him ask, I sort of giggled.

I mean, I thought he had all of me.

But he didn’t.

The anxiety I felt should’ve been the loudest sign that I was verklempt, thinking I was losing sight.

But finally, I was seeing!


I saw that I didn’t have control over the “plan,” and my vision about what I controlled needed to shift.

My transition. My choice.

I’ve already seen a milestone!

Take my advice and give him full access..

Pause at Innovating Cleansing.

4. Your taste will be richer because of your experience together with…

[OK, this is where you have to fill in the blanks.]

It’s relational. It’s about the quality of your relationship with [whatever you choose to fill in the blank.]

The stuff you’re dealing with every day - and your relationship to it - is being stripped down to re-evaluate this month.

Yeah, I did mention for you to PAUSE at Innovating Cleansing.

For example, “Your taste will be richer because of your experience with patience.”


How about… “Your taste will be richer because of your experience with goodness.”

I heard a gifted filmmaker say, “Your fruit comes out of your relationships.” I’m expanding on their comment and saying, “This fruit naturally evolves out of your relationships and your relationship to the stuff you’re dealing with.

Ignite Transformation.

Character evolution will be a part of your transition process. It will naturally evolve out of your relationships and your relationship to the stuff you’re dealing with.

Eliminate the chaos surrounding you so you won’t have to suffer setbacks. Identify those challenges holding back your potential.

Get ready to have richer experiences and more victories in this beautiful life you’re desiring to lead others and grow in.

Nurture your NEW Self… not so fast.

5. Your mind needs to be renewed before you can do any work that will last.

When you get to the root of the foothold blocking the victory you’ve been praying for, you will pluck up the fragmentation clouding the best defining moments that await you.

What is fragmentation, and how can you break it?

REWIND to Innovating Cleansing [yes, again!]

Fragmentation is a misaligned, broken spirit and soul that needs mending. The heart and mind issues aren’t appropriately ordered.

Like Beyoncé says, you can be spiritual, but you must be turnt up.

Fragmented souls aren’t integrated into God’s whole and complete plan for their life. [I’ve been there, get it…] Your mind has to be integrated to see the whole picture/ big picture periodically.

Your spirit needs to be renewed.

Your body requires healthy habits and actions that reinvigorate how you interact in the world, with people,  and in your relationships.

Not having a life vision can make you feel like you’re not sure who you are - identity issues can make you doubt you’re connected to God and believe he knits your human spirit to his.

Grab the thought.

During my fragmentation days, I couldn’t see circumstances like God saw them. I needed to sit still and learn to see more clearly through the window of my conscience. I dealt with some things and ran away from dealing with others. I know now when you feel scattered; you don’t have the momentum to overcome the challenges and chaos you’re dealing with.

Yep, That’s fragmentation.

My experience with fragmentation lasted many years. Soul injuries from poor quality relationships, lack of discipline in my prayer life and Stillness Time due to the absence of non-negotiables, and a fractured mindset that put stress on my life-work balance contributed to mass fragmentation.

I had to have my purpose, values, and life plan rebuilt and transformed to heal and restore the Blended Self as God intended. I had to lay down some thoughts and ways that I thought my life would happen to mend my fragmented life. I had to reimagine how I thought opportunities would come.

During this transition month, you have to get ready for a breakthrough. You must desire divine and complete wholeness and prepare your heart for it.

Ignite transformation.

Once your human spirit gets stronger, life’s difficulties won’t crush your ability to resist. Everything won’t send you over the edge.

How can you fix fragmentation? You have to unravel the issues causing fragmentation.

Hey, it happens! Periodically in your life, fragmentation happens.

But there comes a transition moment when you can change your mind and shift.

Transitions and choices.

How will you rebuild your core?

  • Core values

  • Core relationships

  • Core skills

  • Core strategies

Build your core little by little.

Nurture your NEW Self.

Be patient to see the full recovery.

Take this moment to focus on a new window opening for you.

These keys will become anchors for a transformed life journeying into transition.

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© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com