EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Create a Stronger and More Comfortable Dwelling Place in 2023

Look for an impartation of wisdom and understanding to move you from anxiety to peace. You’ve had some nagging issues, a vision that needs another piece, and you’ll only get the key that’ll unlock the answer if you move forward above the noise.


The physical, psychological, cultural, and semantic distractions are sucking up valuable time, and the unbalanced emotions are clouding your focus. I understand that it doesn’t feel comfortable right now, but this is growth. Daughters and sons leading allow growth to happen without trying to shape its outcome. Resist the rigid human tendency to pat and nurture the wrong steps because they won’t work this season. Let His truth change you. Let his presence change you. Tell yourself that you will consistently get away from the noise this year and move into the change process required. 

Your dwelling place will be stronger and more comfortable.

Maintaining focus will take strategic renewal, and using the learning tactics from The Blended Self-model will help you finish strong. I know you’ve encountered episodes of offense. Some in life relationships, others on the job. Some offensive phrasing, you turned on yourself for not believing you’re doing your best or seeing the best result. That’s the voice of overwhelm talking. What you’re seeing is not complete. It’s not finished! Stop beginning to doubt and lose faith because life + work shifts out of your control are accelerating. God wants me to encourage you not to check out.  You are growing up in him this season and aren’t alone.

So many of you feel like a washing machine in the spin cycle. I hear the thumping. Maturing includes developing the patience to allow the rinse cycle to cleanse. Cleanse yourself and others of regret and bitterness. Cleanse the communication, interpersonal, and leadership habits that aren’t producing the best you. Tell yourself this is the season to write new books, not chapters. And finish them! 

This moment is the season to maintain focus. Use a renewed Blended Self approach to manage whatever you’ve been nurturing with God. You will finish what you’ve started. Writing the vision is only the beginning. The process between beginning and finishing the vision is the work of clarifying its purpose and mission.

Don’t waste valuable time getting offended. Offense is a damaging weapon that lulls you into a cloud of hesitancy. Resist negativity at all costs with focused contemplation that promotes productive thinking. What’s in between are the objectives - the actions to drill down so you can finish strong. 

A higher level of peace will be in your heart and the hearts of those you gather with. Inner peace must always supersede the work you do and the life you lead. Establish peace from God before you tackle tasks and struggles. Dedicate time to meditative Stillness.

Time in His presence is the only refreshing way ~ part of his eternal plan. When you begin to doubt your abilities and see yourself losing faith in God’s majestic handiwork (you and those you work with are a part of that creative work!), remember who’s really caring for the issues troubling you. The creator of the ends of the earth does not grow faint or weary. The multiple strategies you’re deploying in meetings and daily determining what’s essential and urgent on your checklist must initially be deployed and determined in your time of quietude. 

Your workday should be a confirmation and exclamation point of what you’ve divinely seen and heard in Stillness Time. Tell yourself, “This is how I will steady my turn and continue moving forward - even if it’s difficult and uncertain. I know the curves ahead require a steady hand. Stillness Time with him is how I’ll keep my Blended self balanced. Anything I do without his involvement and instruction is incomplete. I will let his Spirit hover over everything I do, and everywhere I go. This is the way, and I”m gonna walk in it.”

I’ve started asking myself daily, “If I had all the resources needed, what would I do today?” “How will I impact my covenant relationships, family circle, workplace teaming, and the vast environment I occupy?” 

Remember, if you’re reading this… God is putting you front and center with your familial needs and concerns (in life and at work) and imparting a unique capacity to display compassionate leadership.  Family renewal occurs in every environment where a family unit exists. The increased need for a sense of belonging, especially after being in physical and virtual isolation for almost 2 1/2 years, has caused a heightened awareness of the need for togetherness, belonging, and compassion. 

You will play a significant role in mentoring and legacy building. Use your resources wisely and generously, and with the same measure, you will receive abundance to display even more goodness and empathy. Love in the workplace will take on a greater meaning. You’ll begin to hear your team say how much they feel a sense of belonging in the workplace, and finally, your organization's values will align with the core group. 

The same will come together for personal family circles. New rituals will emerge, and gatherings will be used to embrace, teach and mentor the next generation. You’ve been eyeing that hunger. The thirsty don’t always look outwardly for a drink. This year don’t be surprised when they run to you for nourishment. Rise out of complacency. The need will be great. The family ingathering is here. 

This is also a biggie. Your intention is being unlocked. The intent of thoughts lingering in your mind should be revisited. Be okay with renewal, change, and decisively managing life’s sharp turns so that your motives and deeds result in you having a good year. Stand for righteousness and justice in whatever you do, say, and think. What is righteousness as God sees it? Right living is having morally correct behavior in every area of and every relationship in your life. The result of this lifestyle and workstyle is internal and external peace. Justice is relieving the oppression of others with behaviors that express fairness. The result of doing this demonstrates compassion. Righteousness and justice are relational. Thread these principles into your purpose, mission, vision, and goals as you dive deeper into the motivation behind them. This year, internally and externally, motivate purity of heart. 

The word for this year is Defining. You have experienced miraculous natural recoveries over the past couple of years. However, this year you will be tested to receive divine recoveries. 

Will you seek to please man, work to fit into societal built structures, or will you express your life, talents, and personality to please God? 

Plainly, there are unique and amazing presentations you will carry out that will define who you are and how sound you are physically and spiritually. There are stages of your purpose, mission, and vision being revealed this year, but the foundation of your life must be strong enough to handle the generousity of its impact. Clear away the obstacles of pleasing and create pillars that are built to serve. Looking at the Blended Self-model is an opportunity to make your dwelling place stronger and more comfortable.

What do wisdom and discernment mean to you? 

Who are you sharing your unique talents, skills, and Blended Self with? 

The world has moved from isolation to collaboration. Gathering is taking on a higher level meaning. Let me engage with you in this space and this season to effectively lead and build. 

Allow your dwelling to transform personally, professionally, and spiritually. 

As a leader, you are entering defining moments in communicating, contributing, collaborating, and handling conflict and change.

Time is your currency. Manage your moments well.

Remember I mentioned that you would move from receiving natural recoveries to experiencing divine ones? Your connections will be critical this year. 

Superficial memberships and networking have no place in this season. Look at your physical, emotional, time, intellectual, intimate, financial, or material boundaries. Marking out your boundaries will be essential. Formalize what you will accept and what you want. It will determine the measure of your subsequent recoveries.

Dwell + have a defining New Year!

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