EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Grounded in Growing

Looking back with self-love and compassion, I am able to see how I’ve grown these past couple of years. I emphasize love and compassion because it’s the only way one can adequately move in this next phase of positioning. If you’ve been journaling, you will be able to pull out the nuggets required to prepare for what’s ahead. Are you able to see how much you’ve grown? I’m sure it’s much more than you realize!

I’ll share a couple of lessons that I believe will give you solid principles to follow in your next season:

Principle #1

True burdens align with your purpose. You won’t stumble when the burdens are part of your assignment. You will see the larger purpose.

Righteous burdens feel sort of like pressure on your shoulders that’s being given to ground you in your growth. There have been times that I wondered why I was constantly being placed in awkward circumstances at work and in life. It wasn’t neat and tidy (at least to me) and it would look downright messy on a job description. But as the chaos begins to take shape, and the void is filled with the right words and actions, I snap back into my grounded role seeing the growth is for far more than myself.

What’s a righteous burden? Righteous assignments allow you to work with divine accuracy, stability, and integrity. Those characteristics are ones humans can’t withstand and integrate on their own merit. In fact, righteous burdens can be quite uncomfortable. However, your voice brings comfort to the burden. And for those that have ears to hear, the physical work produced can blossom into a tremendous work of healing.


Pray about the burdens that you can’t shoulder and resolve by the sound of your voice. That life or work situation might be meant for someone else to bear. There is an authority given to your voice by God to handle particularly ordained burdens, and your faith-life is forced into the open. Voila! You will truly see what you’re made of. I pray God gives you the wisdom to know the difference.

Principle #2

You’re not exhausted because life is moving by too fast. You’re worn out because you’re moving too fast. Peace that surpasses our human brain is cultivated by a deeper understanding of a moment.

For my faithful Sticky Note tribe, and curious subscriber - - you know how passionate I am about Stillness Time. That time varies for each of you. It’s the consistency that matters most. A moment can be as small as 90 seconds or as long as a specific event. MIT’s department of Architectonics described a moment as “an indefinite short period of time; instant; the present time or any other particular time; a stage, as in a course of events; importance or consequence…”

What does a moment mean to you?

Name a powerful moment you’ve encountered in the past two years?

Have you stumbled across a moment as insignificant only to find that moment returned to you for acknowledgment?

I find it interesting that God allows us the power to choose + discover the meaning of a moment. In fact, I see it as a personal experience and interpretation that when reflected upon in Stillness can turn into a monumental event. Being reckless toward a moment has cost me missed opportunities. Thankfully, I have been given a divine return on the ones that matter to my purpose. I choose to believe if you continually stir up faith, hope, and love, there are miraculous opportunities for those important moments to be resurrected in a different season. I don’t get caught up in the moments I didn’t know I missed.

If there’s a moment you missed, but your pure intention is to accomplish the purposes that are divinely destined for you, forgive yourself, and don’t fret.


Moments are an attempt to give you a more detailed answer to an obscure journey. They can take your breath away, and unfortunately can take your life away. Inhale and adjust your focus, time, and energy on what is truly being required of you.

NEWS + UPDATES: I’m accepting new clients for professional and life coaching journeys during the month of June and July!

Choose to get grounded in growing!

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