EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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How to Get Into Your Secret Space

I’ve been sitting in my Stillness time, making space for the next season.

I believe you’re looking for that space.

Your space is really that place where the “what ifs” are colliding with the "why not.” In your quiet time, embrace the bubbling up again.

You’re seeing some things you liked that you didn’t realize you dropped because the crazy cares of the world got too heavy.

But the balls of belief are still bouncing, my friend!

I know your ball of hope is trying to become a helium balloon. But grab this moment! Even surrounded by the concerns clouding your mind and making you weary ~ it's time to create quiet space and entertain joyfully floating possibilities. 

YES, Reach up and catch it! 🎈

God didn't promise to protect only a portion of your life? His love and compassion apply to your heart, soul, AND what's in your hand.

Would he provide joy in personal relationships but not work connections?


Just because you don’t have that One Big Thing yet doesn’t mean it’s not getting ready to pour over you - perfectly timed - when life’s perspective has been shifted and readjusted. How will you get realigned now and not five months or five years from now?

Stillness Time will help you identify the wrong voices so you can identify and eliminate the lie. If you're struggling to get to your secret place, it's time to fix this problem, so you won't miss the "why not" season. 

Do you want to crush the "what ifs" and limiting beliefs? Trust he is at work in your life? Believing is transforming.

Patience in waiting can turn to unbelief if you aren’t cultivating the faith that His favor will surround you with a shield.

This is your trumpet call, friend!

Where has the imagination gone? Hidden away, ready to awaken for a newer next normal day?

This IS the day!

Bless the purity that mixes with mercy. Prepare for your new season. DIG IN and dig deep. Clear out the pebble in your shoe so you can walk again with grace and peace.

Remove that one nagging action that’s been drawing your energy, masking the light, and keeping you from living your best life today. Massive transformation can happen with one small step…one small change.

Is it fear, doubt, complacency, bitterness, unforgiveness, or unkindness? Don’t let the curtain close on your encore. Speak your cleansing. Release and grab hold of your redeeming moment!

I see you moving to get a better seat with a wider view. Ahh, that’s better. Snuggle in your secret place ~ your space. Let the ray of hope sparkle and uncover what you stopped dreaming for.

What did you stop expecting to happen?

Arise, my friend. For the His glory is resting right there…. in a comfortable quiet place with your name on it. See it?

Look and let peace woo you back to YOU.

Believing is transforming!

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