EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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What’s the Cost of Rebuilding Your Life After A Major Setback?

The cost of rebuilding after any major setback takes faith.

You really have to know how to put the emotions of that situation aside. This is the time to pull into your stillness time. After the initial discomfort of being still and quiet is subdued by a surprising feeling of entering an atmosphere of rest, there is this silence where God begins to speak to your heart.

The desire to gain the confidence and resilience to rebuild the broken or fractured circumstance will override the pride of have to accept things didn’t work out as planned.

Stay in stillness a little longer and He’ll give you the love to overcome the hurt and disappointment. This is our biggest hurdle to overcome - - The trauma that can linger from a difficult journey.

But the cost to rebuild must outweigh the pain you must move through, which is why stillness time gives you intimate moments to let go and nurture, forgive and release.

The cost to rebuild after a major setback will test the faith you’ve been holding on to. You’ll have to throw it up in the heavens and believe it will be exchanged for a promise that will be fulfilled.

Rebuilding after a major setback can recalibrate your senses. The blended you, the true self begins to push through the muck of this hard moment.

Stillness to see your way through the noise. Stillness to feel your way through the darkness. Stillness to press again toward the mark of your higher calling.

Let this transition move you into transformation.

  1. Dedicate time to Stillness. Connect with God.

  2. If you’re a beginner to Stillness, try 15 minutes of silence. Use soaking music that’s instrumental to give you adequate space to welcome His presence.

  3. Let the thoughts pour out by imagining rolling them into God’s Hands.

  4. Now, just receive from Him. I promise you that His love will begin to overtake the atmosphere.

  5. Here, in this silence, there is no pressure to perform or explain. Just receive His love and peace.

Living Life in the depths of stillness time Today!