What Will You Create On Hump Day?

Amazing! Today is big-picture hump day across the globe. Yes, for my tribe that’s following the rhythm of what we discovered yesterday, you are celebrating the bigger picture.

What does that mean during this unusual time? You should be doing unusual things working on details that tie into your bigger picture. Using new tools you never imagined. Creating projects you never thought you’d be producing. Joining in creative pursuits with others dreaming new dreams that requires greater faith. Hearts cleansed and loving the work you’ve been called to do.

Can you believe it? Big-picture hump day? Create what this means for you?

Celebrate stressors and struggles you have overcome. That’s right, you walked over it. Your presence in the earth today confirms you will understand your dominion for doing great work in these remaining months of unusual change. Keep learning, helping, praying, blending...reach deep and pull out talents and that smile you’ve been sitting on. Your dreams are needed. Help mentor the next generation toward their destiny.

Even if you’ve procrastinated these last months due to realistic anxieties, pray for God to redeem the time for you, forgive yourself and move on in your next prosperous journey. Your destiny has not left you. You left it... but today his hand is extended and you have an amazing opportunity to step back in and reclaim your strength. 

It takes one step, one task, one project, one spirit-filled prayer, one phone call or text to a trusted confidant.  

It is big-picture hump day!  Enduring growth. Yield to the hard growth; for its growing all the same. Yield to the creativity that yearns for you to bring another level of light to your work and others.

Worship propels your work because breakthrough comes from His hope for your life. His plan for your life. When you yield to a brighter light, the purity of your passion carries your dreams to another level of success.  Horizontal and vertical victories.

Be amazed today for you are halfway to your next major stepping stone. Oh, you’ve been pushing forward overcoming momentary setbacks.  I understand the weight has felt like rolling a stone uphill.  But press in and receive inner strength to stand on your high hills? Because it’s amazing how quickly you’re about to see the goodness that’s before you!

By faith, work today.  By hope, produce pleasing work. By an undeniable feeling of contentment, celebrate the amazing big-picture hump day. 

Living Life seeing over Today!

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Eugenie Encalarde