EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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How To Be Content In Any Circumstance

God has been teaching me about contentment.  Have you ever had a time when your earlier dreams were reworked and even when you weren’t sure what the end would become, you were still content?

That’s what I feel we need to think about in our stillness time today.

A river is running through you. How would you describe your river that’s flowing through you? I am discerning a river of new peace. Peace is such a powerful gift. It comes in waves, crashing through regret and washing over your what if’s. Overflowing in the midst of present uncertainty.  Contentment in the midst of present circumstances takes a strength that won’t come from yourself.  I pray you reach a deeper yet higher level of peace today as you meditate on contentment.  

Do you believe you’re in divine timing, yes, even in this day? Have you kept in step by faith believing your forward movement would join the rhythm of your destiny? Divine timing doesn’t always look like a dreamy white picket fence. Sometimes you must mend the tattered places and strengthen those soulish areas that have become weak by weathered times. But don’t be dismayed, the ground of faith can handle the work and encourage you that your destiny will be fulfilled. God’s heart colors your fence with hope for your expected end. 

A river of living water is running through you... what do you see? What do you hear?

My river experience has allowed me to let go in order to live content during this time. I have discerned there is a weight that protects and one that oppresses. There are world treasures that have to be released in order for treasures of darkness to be received. I have become more sensitive to perfectionist and impatient frustrations that must be removed from my life. I allowed the river to run through those disjointed beliefs and break up what’s not meant for my destiny.  I was reminded that a river of goodness and mercy runs through me. The cleansing is needful.

Like a strong tree that pushes up from deep water, the contentment and creativity God has desired for you is pushing up from the pressures of life.  A river of peace, joy, faith, and hope is pushing up and running through your situations today. Take this time as the most prophetic hump day imaginable. You are almost where God has destined you to be in this historic time. Let the river run through you!

Surface responses won’t give you the ability to embrace the type of contentment that rises above any circumstance. It’s time to rework your dreams. Let the river that runs through you give you a freer godly life. 

What is His desire for you? What have you learned about contentment during this time of pulling and reshaping? 

Let your stillness time today bring you new insight.  As your river runs through you I believe your flow will turn into overflow. A new strength is forming because you took stillness time to mend and break free. 

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