EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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It’s really surreal that I can sit in my stillness time during such chaos and confusion in the world with such wonder and innocent expectation. I know there are things happening around me that aren’t wonderful. I realize many people have gotten less than expected during the bumps of the beginning of this era. 

The definition of transformation. trans·for·ma·tion, /ˌtran(t)sfərˈmāSH(ə)n/, complete or major change in someone's or something's appearance, form; to change in composition or structure; a complete change in the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that so that that thing or person is improved.

I have to hope in tomorrow.  More importantly, I have to hope that I will be more reverent, carefully allowing God to order my sometimes too rushed-steps, now I see through travail and revelation + I acknowledge that some behaviors and tasks are being rendered meaningless in the bigger picture. And after this devastation is behind me. I will be forever transformed.

In the cool crisp morning air, I ponder the more subtle experiences I now treasure that I admit got lost in the legalism of my daily work. The repetitive rat-race routines took the crisp sharp color out of life’s backdrop. Thankfully, recent + unique personal moments have reframed my future destiny that waited patiently for me to gain right focus.  I now allow the future and immediate to take turns.  My next dream turns to a lovely snapshot of how wonderful it will be to sit in my favorite restaurant loving people less than six feet away. I zoom in to enjoy a simple meal with my daughter, watching her beautiful laugh capture the room. I clean my inner lens to let hope arise! 

I have to believe. Believing I will be stronger than when I started this recent crooked + perverse journey. I believe the path will be made straight.  Healing shines faithfully on my stepping stone.  I am having complex, even complicated, behaviors sorted out and realigned.  I now believe belief in God is on the uptick. I believe sensitivity for the preciousness of life will increase because of the ferocious kidnapping that, not only crept into our lives but, snatched our soul unaware. I certainly believe the gag on my spiritual voice has been pulled off. I believe my stillness time has strengthened me to boldly affirm, while conquering and defeating my high hills. Just like God promised I would! Let continual transforming belief in Christ arise! 

Today I’ll expect. Expecting more from what I thought I couldn’t tolerate. Great expectations will guide me on how to stand against spiritual restraint. I’ll expect - and demand- less from those feeling they haven’t given enough because of their shame or guilt. I expect they will see it’s now nailed to the cross. My lack of tolerance and need for certainty has been replaced with mercy. I will do my part + help them see the lies that have broken their dream of hope + expectation. Empathy will be the fresh, more dynamic soft skill that I will take up. It will take it’s rightful place in my daily coming in and going out. I cry out for its mantel. I pray for the covering that gives me grace to hold on to a more yielded life - the one that’s become more precious in 30 days or less. 

Sitting here - expecting, hoping, believing, praying, and yielding - the wonderment of it all. The transformation of it all!

Living Life in wonder Today!

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at ejencalarde.com.