The Big Pause

Stillness. As I walked down the beautiful neighborhood blocks yesterday taking in the early morning divine moment of stillness, God was preparing me for my post today.

For those that have been following me for the past two years, I have desired to prepare your heart for Stillness Time. Now I realized the real coaching + guidance has recently begun. I took care and discretion not to speak last week in order to really hear what our ‘living life today’ would be about.

Sort of like the James Cameron movie, Abyss, when the actor portrayed learning how to breathe in liquid, filling his body, and adjusting to the new way, rejecting how he had been accustomed to breathing. Emotional instinct had to be still in order to pause and exist in a new way. He had to remember again how to breathe liquid, “we all had to breathe liquid for nine months, Bud, your body will remember..”

That’s what I had to experience last week in order to press in and release this message of Stillness to my Sticky Note community. I had to fill my thoughts and spirit with life transforming liquid. Yesterday I took in the magnificent day and let my spirit meander under the precious guidance of the Holy Spirit. My spirit - left alone - would not have found its way to the peace I needed. I needed to take Shabbat, rest and be still.

It’s time to hear a pin drop in your Stillness time. It’s time to sit and receive your personal message of expectation for something better. Your better is fresh every day along with the new mercies you are receiving. Take a full breath. Breathe in the Breath of Life. Exhale stagnant cycles that will not give you the fresh expectation and hope of this era.

The Big Pause. I’ve never been so intoxicated by the stillness. It’s been an unusual peace. Yes, with all the uncertainty that’s been swirling around, I saw a swirl of God’s Spirit lovingly hovering, surrounding us. Each day, the bold glimmer of brilliant sunlight peaking through the tall strong trees of abundant life in the midst of bullying chaos and temporary vile disturbances. Like Bud, you are being called to adjust and let go of what you thought you knew. Relax and breathe in today. Be still knowing God never sleeps or slumbers during your sleepless nights. 

Be grateful you have the opportunity to see the beginning of Spring right now. You need to see the buds, the bees working to prepare you for renewal and rebirth. It is hopeful to be able to breathe fresh air and clear your minds to push onward in innovation and creativity. (Yes, my nose 🤧is running from all of the pollen🌺, but I am grateful for the privilege of breath!)

Let the big pause bring a new level of calmness into your atmosphere. Your humble forbearance will produce delight and disarm the noise. Confront your negative situation and emotions like Bud confronted breathing in new fluid - - he relaxed. 

Rest will disarm ulterior motives. No more striving and toiling. Let perfectionism be released from your daily actions. The cleansing process occurring through this big pause, your opportunity to be still, is strengthening your life. Your destiny and right alignment is being made clear. 

Ulterior motives are exposing manipulation and control antics that express ‘I have a plan B.’

Break being clever, and let plan A have it’s godly perfected work in you right now. Some of your plan Bs are truly fear. I believe this truth is pushing through.  Let it expose itself, so you can remove it. Controlling people and situations to your advantage does not allow your limitless love -agape love - to pierce through. When you cleanse your false busy-bee words and actions - the desire to manipulate and control situations + interactions will be pulled down - and in your stillness time, you will feel a new healing taking place as you move through the transformation steps I showed you.

🗝1.  Dedicate time to Stillness

🗝2.  Innovate inner cleansing

🗝3.  Grab the thought


🗝5.  Nurture your New Self

I see you crossing over to your new season. Some of you look weary. This is the time to step into your blended self as I mentioned to you for sometime now.. Hold up those that need help walking across their valley. Let them know A river runs through the valley! Pray about ways you can use the works of your hands in the upcoming week. Look up and see the opening. You will be fed at the brook. A river runs through the valley! Open your hearts to others; open your mouth to family + coworkers with encouragement and contentment; open your hands to bless your neighbors, however God directs you. 

Your right motives + movement at this time will release power from above. More strength than you could’ve imagined. Be durable and resilient in this season, as in any season, with consistent Stillness Time. What is your present mission to bless others? What is your mission to unify and reunite? What is your motive today? 


I speak to your situation today. I break all fears and apprehensions and declare Christ will make your path straight. I affirm you are learning how to use your skills and talents in different ways for life + work. I break trauma from disappointment, failure, and wrong ungodly relationships. I release the peace of God in your workplace, family, relationship circles and in your blended life. You are resilient. I affirm you are stepping into many different environments that will catapult you to your destiny as God has planned. Live life Today! 

My blogs and content have not been pre-planned. They were all written as directed by God. 💫🌟❤️

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Living a still Life Today! 

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at

Eugenie Encalarde