EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Pushing Beyond

We are pushing beyond our normal limits and it’s time to discover new territories and creative ways of doing things. This is the era of breakthrough and innovation. Breakthrough can mean different things in your diverse work + life situations. It can mean removing wrong behaviors or relationships from your present life circumstance. It can mean rethinking how you’re doing your work whether at the workplace or at home. Maybe you’ve recently discovered how to shop differently or take care of other tasks through gig workers or crowd sourcing that have recently weighed you down with unrealistic expectations of personal movement - -  and now you see it’s no longer necessary to accomplish your role and various responsibilities the way you did even a week ago. I’m seeing great breakthrough as new opportunities to do work differently is giving us a stark new landscape from which to work + live.  Think about your collaborative relationships and purposeful destiny with a more open perspective as you are now coming into alignment with this new era.

I know this may seem easier said than done, but push through the fear trying to keep you from processing new opportunities that are unfolding in your work, career, family, and relationship circles. Your godly discernment is critical right now. What does that mean? 

Look at shifting moments - now peaking - to release old habits, behaviors and attitudes.  Begin to embrace more united, compassionate solutions that bring healing to the fractures of stress recently seen throughout the workplace in all sectors. It is time to increase your emotional intelligence and cultivate stronger coping skills in the leadership areas you’ve been assigned to. How can you best support your coworkers, colleagues, families, neighbors and comparable stakeholders in their lives?

Simple suggestions to better cope by REFRAMING: 

🌱 Rote tasks are helpful to quiet your lower brain from usurping control. The lower brain will keep you in survival mode. It’s time to perform quiet activities such as word puzzles; writing about neutral topics such as how wisteria blooms. 

🌱 Get up from long bouts of doing work sitting. Stand up and walk around; which increases blood flow and mental acuity.

🌱 Break down larger tasks into smaller ones. I’m sure your things to do lists are piling up at work + home, but breaking down each task will help give you more clarity on how to work + live efficiently. It will also allow you to see potential gaps in workflow + life flow that could save you critical time in the big picture. 

🌱 Keep a section of your desk or work space clear at all times - create a “neat space”. 

🌱 It’s time to reprioritize and rethink how you read your emails. What are your email hours since we’ve learned daily email reading can take up 5 hours of your day? Also reprioritize your app, email and text notifications. Sound versus vibrations versus silent check when you can...

🌱 Remember your O.H.I.O coping plan - Only handle it once.

🌱 Above All - your Stillness time should increase to daily stillness. Increase by 5 minutes each day until you can get to 20 minutes consistently. This will become your lifeline to coping and identifying underlying topics to discuss with your life coach to help guide you best.

12 Keys to increase your emotional intelligence and coping skills in work + life:

  1. Practice STILLNESS + Reframe.

  2. Upgrade how you are managing your behavior. Personal Competence is one of the two primary competencies for Emotional Intelligence, the EQ factor. How are you presently perceiving your emotions? Are you showing any resistance learning new tasks in the new and unfolding way you are being asked to do your work? 

  3. Remember your breakthrough in the different circumstances you’re presently facing are helping you to reskill and upskill. You will come through because of some surprisingly challenging encounters. 

  4. In your Stillness time, reflect prayerfully on your emotions, strengths, weakness, needs, and bents. This is the time to engage your heart best and align your personal awareness in the most godly way. You are purposed to provide a need, strength, and skill to others. Self-assess first. 

  5. Navigate through meetings with godly wisdom and discern when to slow conversations down. Self management includes positively directing your behavior and shepherding the leadership behavior of others.

  6. How is your social competence? The second primary competency of emotional intelligence is equally important. Your ability to pick up on the nuances in a meeting, the emotions of others and have the leadership to determine what’s really going on is highly critical in this season. 

  7. Your ability to understand your emotions and others will determine the success of team collaborations, group bonding moments, and having successful interactions with successful feedback.

  8. This is the time to broaden your solutions in order to solve work issues. Brainstorming is helpful. Complaining, spreading discouragement + hopelessness isn’t. Trying to control what you can’t may lead you to become cynical because you may be demanding someone to give you an answer to an uncertainty. Tread lightly when thinking of incompetence versus uncertainty. 

  9. Honor unstructured (tacit) knowledge. This is knowledge that comes from experience, practice, innovation; visualized, or transferred from one seasoned person to another. During this time, be open to the opportunities you are being given and reflect wisely before resisting. 

  10. This is also the season when competencies are being shared across industry and sector lines. Upgrade your EQ to better determine what knowledge should be diffused beyond the boundaries of your organization. 

  11. The most dangerous way to be off your game is fear. There is a fine line between worry and concern. 

  12. Be the calm leader your work and life circle can respect + look to for guidance during this unique season and era. 

I see us at the precipice of truly understanding agape love in work + life. Be the blended person to others that you most need for yourself in this season. “You shall love your neighbor (and coworker) as you love yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39.

Today BE STILL Living Life emotionally intelligent! 

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