EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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I saw a carrousel going round and round but slowly. Familiar faces of people were stepping down, leaving the carousel ride. The ride was peacefully moving round and round but people continued to get off the ride.

There has been continual change occurring in many relationships I once held dear. They held significant meaning in pivotal seasons. Different connections were forged that were familial, personal, and professional. Now they’re being released from my life. The times we spent together casually or professionally have come to a divine end. Special moments of laughter, relaxed conversation, intense working diligently on a project, or just sharing the latest intrigue on whatever we had in common - those moments have stepped off the radar and gone in other directions. I even noticed familiar desires, goals, places of comfort were moving on from my life. I wasn’t anxious about any of these revelations. In fact, I felt an overwhelming peace that this was an opportunity to recognize diving timing. What some call “the set time”.

Seeing the flurry of familiar faces stepping down leaving the carrousel, I also noticed they were laser-focused. They were looking away from me, in another direction. I was struck by the fact that the carrousel never stopped moving. 

Like life, the familiar scenery changes. We all know nothing stays the same, yet we react surprised when it does. Even if a person remains consistently with you in your life, the external dynamics of what you both experience are continually changing, stepping down and moving on.

Change should be your constant. If there are areas in your life that have remained the same, maybe you should revisit why. I have been in my present job for 30 years, but the job has changed many times over in the course of my career. Work colleagues have remained consistently in the job with me, but we have definitely experienced the external dynamics of our industry! 

You may be experiencing many changes in this season. You may be seeing familiar faces move on and step out of your life. Your workplace may have the dynamics of throwback soap opera, but  “As the world turns” always prepare yourself for continual change. Your take away should be that you prepare yourself by sitting quietly and getting rightly established for your season of change. Establishing yourself isn’t a defense strategy. It’s an opportunity for a great offensive reframing. 

Look at what’s stayed the same in your life for the last 10 years. Look at the fruit of your relationships, financial decisions, business strategies, family growth, spiritual strength, personal health. Whatever has stayed the same, ask yourself if that’s really been a good thing for you? If it has, check the box and move on to the next familiar face. Are you stronger because of it, or just biding time hoping for a trumpet to sound to get you positioned into the technicolor of your destiny? There might be a moderate or significant area of your life that’s stuck? Heck, does your bedroom look the same way it has for 10 years? How long has that eyeshadow been in your makeup case? Is your bank account balance still maintaining the same monthly average for 10 years? What routine, limiting belief, person, or major life situation should you peacefully let move on and step off your radar?

I am reflecting on the familiar faces that have moved on. I am meditating on the places in my life that have been stuck or stagnant. I am writing my goals with an overflow of excitement for what God has prepared next for my life. I’m prayerfully journaling how to get ready for new faces that will step on my carrousel ride. Expectations of new fruit developing in my character. Manifold ways of blessing with mentoring tools designed for others. Anticipation of new growth in my business. Joyfully preparing for prosperity in a changing, continually moving season. 

Let the stepping off occur. Peacefully honor the people, places and things that were given to you for a season, and forgive yourself for holding on to some of those a little too long. Now allow it to be released from your life. Embrace the moving on and continual change occurring. 

Living your Life moving and changing. #ejencalarde #livinglifetoday #lifecoachingtips

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