EJ Encalarde: Helping You Live Your Best Life Today!

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Providence or Punishment

For consecutive days during the mid summer I had been seeing ravens in my yard. I was taken aback and started to dread their presence. You see there was a limiting belief that needed to be re-framed so truth could be imagined apart from what I was seeing. My perspective was bent by negative memories and hurt experiences that bubbled up and caused fear to overtake an opportune moment for beauty to be seen. 

My initial thought when I saw the raven was “is this like the superstitious black cat?” “am I doomed?” “am I cursed?” “will God still hear my prayers?” Yes, I even went there, giving authority to doubtful calamitous voices that wanted to twist a good thought into a negative one. 

Some call the raven a superstitious punishment. But I discovered that a raven’s symbolism is complex. (Hello!) I learned that a raven symbolizes prophecy and insight. It was comforting to know that Elijah was fed by ravens.. So happy I didn’t let go of the raven sightings. 

I believe sometimes we draw a limited conclusion and resist the experience we were meant to be a part of. In life + work, we get talked out of the very circumstance, lifestyle, environment, or relationship we were called to impact because of negative voices and narrow perspectives. We almost miss our assignment to bring what we alone can express- our unique gifts and skills. And more importantly, we almost miss the care that God brings us through friendships and acquaintances that might seem an unlikely paring. But you must say “no more”. You have the power to untwist the limitations spoken over you. Make room for the new you. Expand the possibilities for situations and connections to be good, not evil. I believe God’s providence and destiny for you is greater than human intentions. His grace and mercy covers your blind spots. Enlarge your imagination because this season you will see the power of your propensity for goodness come through at work and personally. You will affirm the strength of endurance in how you humbly connect with others. You will grow up this year and your insight will change. Your eyes and spirit will be filled with inspiration and awe, not dread. You will speak with compassion and care over judgement and punishing words. You will cling to pleasant words! Love, faith, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, endurance, and hope.

Today I declare you will not think in a limited way. You will reverse the thought that dread is normal. It’s not. Dreadful thoughts come from bullying thoughts, voices that twist their intention to subdue who you are and slow your movement to powerfully see the brilliance of what you’re contributing in the earth. In the workplace, you absolutely matter. Within your true friendship circle, you are genuinely cared for. In family gatherings, your virtuous obedience to godly reconciliation will be honored. Your unique insight shifts a problem into a creative solution. Your laugh softens any dispute and dispels any miscommunication. So I ask you again, “Who are you?” 

I saw two ravens in my yard today. They were there keeping watch. I decided they should stay awhile. 

You are cared for. I remind you the voice of punishment and condemnation has NO PLACE in your life. Only the voice of loving care and protection is welcome. Live Life in truth Today! #ejencalarde #livelifetoday #lifecoachingtips

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