Amazing Monday

#Amazing Monday: Ooh boy, it’s Monday already. I’m so thankful for this month. It’s a month of creativity. This is a month for great change, focus and strength. The wind is blowing. Catch it!

If you’re still in the game, and pushing your goal toward the finish line, this is the month to refine your vision and do it. What do I mean by “doing it”?

Look, God has called you to make a difference in the marketplace and produce your dream. You’ve locked into your purpose. You know the pressure to keep you from focusing on finishing big this year. Relieve that pressure by making a decision today to “do it”! Obedience is better than sacrifice. Abide by the calling in your heart. Seriously, you are a change-maker. 

Monday is amazing because today you’re going to refine your things-to-do list and go big this month.

Network, collaborate, rework the vision, practice your stillness to determine if there’s a distraction to eliminate, and above all enjoy the stepping stones on your destiny.

I am amazed at how loudly opportunity is calling your name. Step into the favor God has opened up for where he wants you to be.

Be ready for your amazing! Live Life doing it Today! #ejencalarde # livelifetoday #lifecoachingtips 

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Eugenie Encalarde