Finding Your Rhythm

We are getting our rhythm. As we turn the corner of the ideas, visions and dreams set before us this year, we take stock of where our footing lies. We have grabbed our baton and see the next opportunity to move toward our destiny. What do you see?

Let the light of hope and excitement continue to shine as you catch your breath from all you’ve accomplished so far. A pure imagination has been birthed and you now see it grafted into your purpose. You were sort of surprised that it unfolded as miraculously as it did, but you began to understand it was a piece you had been searching for for some time. New clarity is helping you relax and with godly eyes you see this idea is purposed for you!

Rest in this thought for a moment. Let it saturate your mind’s eye and realize you’re finding your rhythm. Your walk now has a skip to it. And your face is ready to embrace the fullness of joy that consumes one who is settling in and getting used to a ride brimming with hope and discovery for all they’ve dreamed for some time.

Now it’s time to DIG IN and capture the thought with stillness and depth. Get ready to receive instruction for the next steps you’ll need to accomplish - - the next stepping stone for your purpose. Your are reaching a high point in your destiny. This is big. Cherish the moments of creativity. It’s time to sketch out your goals and activate a plan. Broad strokes will do right now. Yes, take time to feel the crescendo of creativity as you imagine this purposeful idea.

Wow, we are getting our rhythm. It’s a great start to a fruitful future. Your melody is uniquely anointed to impact my life. My baton can be passed on to YOU - yet another vibrant, hopeful and purpose-filled client wanting transformation. I feel the sway of your good success.  Let’s Live a rhythmic Life Today!

© EJ Encalarde. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to EJ Encalarde, LLC, with proper and specific direction to the original content at

Eugenie Encalarde