career coaching


E. J. Encalarde offers a wide array of career coaching and consulting services, executive and leadership growth programs, career development courses, resources and assessments dedicated to helping early career professionals, executives + high potential leaders advance and break through to the highest level of success, reward and fulfillment in their careers and professional lives.

Learn more about each of my career coaching, teaching and training programs, below.



EJ’s Private, Hands-On Career Coaching & Consulting Programs for professionals – Get the expert help you need to get clarity on your career path, develop your powerful peace plan, build your confidence, and reach your most amazing professional goals by removing performance blind spots.

Private coaching programs with EJ are available on a limited basis. To determine if we’re a good fit for a private coaching program together, please review this page and complete the form.

Form button here


“Whether in person or online, I got you!”


Ready to dig in and be more productive in your career by applying who you are to your life and work — and achieving life-long success like never before? A private, one-on-one career coaching/consulting program with EJ is the most radical and focused way to get to engage your heart best for what you want in your professional life, and see the transformation you desire.

In each session, EJ draws on her 13 years of experience as a corporate executive, her insights as a high performance management trainer, and over a decade of career growth coaching and team building strategies for long-term career success, to help you take practical and attainable steps to improve + build your your career with the strongest impact. Here, EJ takes her clients on a dive deep that enables them to leverage their professional accomplishments, move from dreaming to doing, gain clarity on what their “blended self” looks like, embrace their talents, and goals, and build an empowering goal momentum plan to achieve their most amazing career goals.

Drawing on her 14 years of experience coaching and advising multi-generations of professionals, and her own highly successful career transformation, you’ll receive the life-changing help you need to create the career success, reward and impact you desire.


EJ’s signature private career coaching programs include (click the gold links below for more info):




What does a successful career look like to you? This is a great question. Our exceptional career exists, but first we need clarity about our identity, what are our unique talents, what is God’s plan for our purpose, and how do these answers help me discover what I really want. We need to discover (or rediscover) this personal assessment in order to have an accurate profile of our “blended-self” that will move us forward into the professional life we’re envisioning.

10 tips to living life forever learning!

In this one-hour breakthrough session, EJ will help you identify more clearly your driving goals and career desire , and also recognize limiting beliefs and any chaos keeping you from achieving those goals and desires. Your solutions will ultimately give you wholeness, prosperity, a peaceful well-being and vision-to-values realignment.

You’ll receive recommendations based on your in-depth responses to proven client assessments and interest inventories, which allow for a meaningful exploration into pinpointing your unique gifts, values, goals, and healthy boundaries so you can live your best life ever! In just one hour, EJ will help you uncover - and move beyond - the stumbling blocks in your path to build the confident career plan you’re dreaming of.

Drawing on EJ’s training as a corporate executive, high-performance management trainer, senior event producer, project management professional, human resource + organizational strategist, and career coach/consultant/advisor, this one hour together will help you see yourself and your ultimate vision for transformation– and the most productive steps to get to these goals and unrealized dreams–in a new way that will transform your career journey. For more information visit EJ’s Career Consultation. This program is available for first-time clients only.


It’s NEVER too late to Learn

 Professional Development sessions or courses are excellent ways to learn in chunks.

 Say Yes to new apps, computer programs + workplace terminology - STRETCH.

 It’s time to schedule lunch + learns and create your “reverse-shadowing” connections.

 Read two hours a day - - two books a month. Think faster + learn creatively.

 Discussing new information with others is the best way to deepen your knowledge.

 Keeping a progress journal will help you stay accountable + reach your learning goals.

 Write out the steps to learning a new skill; take note of the mindsets that pop up to stop you.

 It’s okay if you need to unlearn older ways of doing things. Let go + open your mind.

 Neuroplasticity is your friend. Your brain engages in a pruning process during learning that eliminates and heals pathways.

 Enthusiasm is an important ingredient for learning. Fear blocks enthusiasm + positivism.


Your Career Is Your Platform! coaching program (three sessions)


Are you needing some powerful guidance and expert coaching to create your dream career, develop S.M.A.R.T. goals for success and present your unique brand to powerfully direct your purposeful destiny? Whether you are considering a pivot to a new direction, or want to create more success and impact in your current career, working with EJ in this amazing career creator program will get you moving fast to grow and develop your purpose, vision and get essential top insider skills to build your career and leadership platform for professional success.

EJ’s proven “career creator” approach draws on her well-researched five-step DIG IN integrative coaching model, her signature P.E.A.C.E. PLAN and proven measurement metrics for accelerating career growth. Working together, you’ll have EJ in your corner to help you make the wisest decisions and career moves to ensure your work aligns with your core values, unique design and purpose.

Let’s uncover your authentic “blended self” and activate process over progress to discover what really motivates you. Working together, I’ll customize the experiential tools to make your platform shine brighter and bring greater impact, reward and success along with it. For more information, visit Your Career is Your Power Platform.



Are you ready to go beyond your comfort zone? This program offers six in-depth career coaching, advising and consulting calls over six months to support a true breakthrough in your career and your leadership capabilities. We use Amazing Milestone Markers to track meaningful progress and practically see if what you’re learning is being transferred to real world career and leadership situations. Together, we’ll focus on expanding your leadership, managerial, entrepreneurial and professional growth, and closing the door on major life stressors that’s keeping you from fully participating in achieving the highest level of success and reward, and helping you “ignite transformation” to elevate your career experiences and leadership performance.

time for your learning sprint?



For organizations committed to supporting the advancement of women in their workforce, Kathy offers a powerful training/workshop series at your organization covering the most critical topics in women’s Leadership and Career Success today. Drawing on her Forbes work, research and interviews with global movers and shakers, and her consulting and leadership training with over 15,000 professional women (including Fortune 100 emerging women leaders) around the globe, Kathy’s programs inspire, enliven and educate women on new, effective strategies for achieving their highest potential.

Support the women in your workforce today. For more information about any of the above programs or Kathy’s keynotes and workshops and personal growth programs, contact Kathy’s team at  and visit her Speaking page.


why Group Coaching?

Group Coaching classes are excellent for high performers that want to improve their skills; acquire new perspectives at work + in life.

Here’s why my live online + face-to-face group sessions are intimate?

  • There’s a guaranteed commitment to group sharing + learning activities with less pressure to respond promptly like a one-on-one convo.

  • Clients that register for my small group sessions tend to give their all because I’m able to toss out a predetermined agenda and create individual solutions tailored to meet the attendees needs.

  • My intimate group sessions are designed for attendees to chat online + speak openly to receive the answers they’re searching for in a trusting atmosphere. Trust is critical!

IMG_6575.JPG, What we do (and don’t) know about the factors linked to workplace coaching success, Wendy Hirsch, May 6, 2019., What we do (and don’t) know about the factors linked to workplace coaching success, Wendy Hirsch, May 6, 2019.